Imagine there is a global drive, there are no hardware (data cables) or software(google photos, iTunes) boundaries for accessing it. You can access your data anytime you want, from any platform. and the best part you are the owner of the data. No one I repeat no one can see your data, (as we encrypt it with AES) You can share data with your friends on one click. You can roam without thinking that "Oh my hard drive may crash, I should take backup" or "This cloud service gonna increase its subscription". In contrast, think that you don't even have to pay much for it. just minimal gas costs that's what Decentralized Cloud is......!
- Demo
- Presentation/ Algos
- Live on :
- Deployed on Matic Mumbai Testnet
- User does not own their data
- Privacy
Secret Exfiltration from Third Parties
Secret Exfiltration from Law Enforcement
Secret Exfiltration from Foreign Powers - Expensive
- Single point of failure | Dos attacks
- Can’t scale up vertically after a certain limit.
- User own their data
- Secured by encryption, no one besides you can see the content of the file
- Share files with colleagues, with one click.
- Cheaper | No cost rather than gas
- No single point of failure
- Scale-up with increasing nodes
Get started quickly by cloning this repository. Install the dependencies
$ cd client && npm install
- Create .secret file with your Mnemonic
- In root directoy create .secret file
- Open metamask and Go to Setting
- Go to Security and policy
- Click Reveal seed words and Enter password
- Copy the mnemonic (never push it to public repo)
- Paste it in .secret file
Truffle Development Console
$ truffle develop
This will open truffle developer console and you will get 10 Account Addresses, import some of them in metamask by import account option.
Truffle Compile
$ truffle compile
Truffle Migration Local Network
$ truffle migrate
Truffle Migration Matic Network
$ truffle migrate --network matic
$ cd client && npm start