a fast ,stable and thread-safe log lib(logger) for C/C++ language
you can use "sh build.sh" to build the testing application and also i suggest you to run "./bench_test" (single_thread)to see the performance
you can use this log module by the follow guiding:
log_init(LL_TRACE, "mysql", "./log/");
LOG_NOTICE("%s [time:%d]", "test calling log", time(NULL));
LOG_DEBUG("debug msg,only write to log when the loglevel bigger than or equal to debug [time:%d]", time(NULL));
LOG_WARN("warnning msg will be writing to the error files [time:%d]", time(NULL));
LOG_ERROR("you also can change number of output files by rewrite the macro_define.h");
and also you don't need to call close befor your application exit if you insist to calling close,please use WARN_W.log_close() INFO_W.log_close() and so so.
this module also provide some convenient macro, you can use it in the following scene
int function()
int ret;
ret = function_call();
MACRO_RET(ret != 0, -1);
MACRO_WARN(ret != 0, "function call failed [ret:%d]", ret);
MACRO_WARN_RET(ret != 0, -1, "function call failed [ret:%d]", ret)
The performance of this log module is really depend on how fast your disk is. here is test result:
case 1
Record Size: 280kb
Cost Time: 42 seconds
Data File Size: 20GB
yes. we write 20GB file in 102s,that's means we write 200MB per second.and
also this is the limitation of SATA.
case 2
Record Size: 56byte
Record Write per Senconds:200,000
yes,in it's general useage,you can gain high qps from this log module
what will be the next?
var 0xmalloc = {
nickName : "zealot yin",
email : '0xmalloc@gmail.com',
site : "http://www.cnblogs.com/Creator/"
weibo : "http://www.weibo.com/zealotyin"