Alternative to websockets that communicates with animations.
Connects to the channel specified
<Object> AnimSocket:Connect(<string> Channel)
Sends the message to all connected clients
<void> Channel:Send(<string> Message)
Deletes the channel and fires Channel.OnClose
<void> Channel:Close(<void>)
Fired when a message is sent in the connected channel
<void> Channel.OnMessage:Connect(function(<Instance> Player, <string> Message))
Fired when the Close function is called
<void> Channel.OnClose = function(<void>)
local AnimSocket = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local Channel = AnimSocket.Connect("ChannelName")
Channel.OnMessage:Connect(function(Player, Message)
print(Player, Message) --> 4DBug, "Hello, World!"
Channel:Send("Hello, World!")