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Under the Hood

Taylor Lovett edited this page May 7, 2018 · 1 revision

The plugin is organized around the notion of connections. Sites in a network (multisite installation) are considered “Internal Connections”. Push and pull functionality for internal connections is located in the \Distributor\InternalConnections\NetworkSiteConnection class. External connections are classes that extend \Distributor\ExternalConnection. To create a custom connection type, create a class that extends ExternalConnection and implement methods push, pull, etc. The only external connection type bundled with the plugin is “WordPress” and can be found in \Distributor\ExternalConnections\WordPressExternalConnection. WordPress external connections require the external site to expose the JSON REST API.

External connections support authentication types. By default, the only authentication type is Basic Authentication and oAuth. 10up recommends the Application Passwords plugin for handling basic authentication.

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