A sample socket communication between client (java) and server(python) made for Computer Networks class.
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The client send a data, the server process it and resend it to the client.
If the data is a numeric String, the server increment this value and resend to the client.
If the data is a String whith the lenght equals one, the server check if it is upper or lowercase and invert it.
If the data is a non numeric String and it has length greather than one, the server reverse the string and resend to the client.
It needs to put the host ip on the server HOST = ''
To run the server, you need to type on the cmd
python Server port
You need compile the .java file before run the client. For that, just need to type on cmd
javac Client.java
To run the client, you need to type on the cmd
java Client server_host port
To run the server i've used python 2.7.15
To run the client i've used java 8