This can be used to reorganise photos into directories by date.
This is a command line utility to copy or move files from one location to another location using the metadata in the files to order them into logical directories.
$ reloci current/path/to/files path/to/destination
To see all options use
$ reloci --help
Currently the files will be ordered based on the creation date of the
files. Use the dryrun
option to check if the planned move/copy matches
your expectations.
Additionally there is a second command to view all relevant EXIF tags from a single file, and how they are interpreted by the FileInfo class.
$ reloci_info path/to/a/file.jpg
If desired create a virtual environment then install this package from PyPI
pip install reloci
Create a new virtual env with Python 3.13 and install the requirements:
conda create -n reloci python=3.13 --yes
pip install -e .[test]