This project performs data analysis on Udemy course data, focusing on different course attributes like subjects, pricing, number of subscribers, and course levels. The goal is to explore key trends and insights from the available dataset.
In this step, we load the Udemy dataset and check for missing values to ensure the data is clean for further analysis.
In this section, we answer several key questions to gain insights into the dataset:
- What are the different subjects for which Udemy is offering courses?
- Which subject has the maximum number of courses?
- Which courses are free and which are paid?
- Top 5 most enrolled courses
- List courses related to Python
- What are the max number of subscribers per course level?
In this section, we create visualizations to better understand the data:
- Distribution of courses by subject
- Free vs Paid course distribution
- Top 5 most subscribed courses
- Enrollment by course level
In this section, we summarize the findings from our analysis:
- Key insights from the distribution of courses, pricing, and subscribers
- Observations about the most popular subjects and course levels
- Understanding the free vs paid course distribution