This is in-development code, not a finished tool
An NTP Server based on code from designed to work with an rp2040, via TinyUSB USB network device.
The rp2040 presents a USB NIC to the host PC, then the host PC bridges that nic with the LAN network. I may also add wifi at some point, but I don't have any pico w's at the moment.
Intended to be (potentially) usable with:
- (implemented) a GPS with 1PPS output
- (implemented) a 10 Mhz reference clock
- Everset ES100 WWVB BPSK receiver
- WWVB via ADC?
- CMAX Timing CME6005 modules (cheap WWVB AM receivers)
- LTE/5g? provided clock
- ATSC? provided clock (don't know if this is accurate enough or feasibly captured)
- P25 provided clock (same as above)
- WWV by phone service?
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 8
Then copy the generated uf2 file to the pico.