A ROS package to generate, retarget human animation and spawn them in a Gazebo simulation environment.
- Makehuman
- Blender
- ROS Noetic
- Gazebo
├── blender # blender files
├── datasets # .bvh/.fbx motion files
├── include # header files
├── launch # launch files
├── makehuman # makehuman .mhx2 files and textures
├── models # gazebo models
├── rviz # rviz config files
├── scripts # python scripts and nodes
├── src # c++ scripts
└── worlds # gazebo worlds
Navigate to the scripts folder of the repo and get inside the installation folder. Run the following installation scripts:
bash makehuman.sh
bash blender.sh
bash blender_addons.sh
To perform a retargeting operation follow this guide. To launch the demo run the following commands from the scripts/retargeting
bash retarget_human.sh -m demo_actor.mhx2 -b running.bvh -n test
roslaunch makehuman_gazebo_retarget spawn_actor.launch actor_filename:=test gazebo_debug_mode:=true
sudo gedit /opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/roslaunch/nodeprocess.py
_TIMEOUT_SIGINT = 0.5 #seconds
_TIMEOUT_SIGTERM = 0.5 #seconds
collisions are visible in the Gazebo GUI only in debug mode