Instagram reporter - is a tool designed to help you report instagram account by your awn account . You should have number of account (recomended more than 100 ) and some proxy to able report and delete account from instagram. This tool will be loging to each account one by one and start to choose report aption that you choose in the firdt step .
we recomend to use it one the Ubuntu 20 servers
You should install these requerment in the fist step on your server
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install firefox
sudo apt install python3.10
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo apt-get install python3.10-venv
python3.10 -m pip install setuptools
apt-get install python3-setuptools
python3.10 -m pip install pandas
curl -o
python3.10 -m pip install pandas jsonpickle dnspython matplot seaborn selenium bs4 webdriver_manager
python3.10 -m pip install pyarrow
python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade requests
python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade urllib3 chardet
git clone
cd igbot-instagram-reporter
- PreSetting
first of all you have to make list of proxys and accounts in the files
- add your proxys to proxy.txt like
- add your accounts to accounts.txt in the fist line username and in the second line password
- PreUsage
- Processing accounts
python3.10 account ./accounts.txt ./accounts.json true
It is true, it means that the randomizer is active.
- Proxies processing
python3.10 proxy http ./proxy.txt ./proxy.json
- Converting accounts to cookies
python3.10 cookie ./accounts.json ./cookies.json null null 2 true false
- Converting accounts to cookies
From left to right, the second null is the processed proxy file, the number 2 is the number of calls for each account, then let it remain true, then false means randomizer, which is false because we did it in the previous step (initial processing of accounts).
- report
python3.10 report username1_to_report,username2_to_report 0,4,0 true ./cookies.json ./proxy.json
The expression 0, 4, 0 from left to right means that the first option is selected first, that is:
- It's posting something that should't be on instagram
Then the fifth option (index 4)
- Nudity or sexual activity
Then, in the next question, he chooses the first option (zero index).
The expression true means to block or not
The next two files are obtained from the previous steps