Redmine Feedbacks is a simple MessageUI view which make the user of your iPhone App to send feedbacks directly to the tracker of your Redmine using Redmine REST-XML API.
Just drag and drop the full RedmineFeedbacks folder into your XCode project. You should also need to add libz.dylib for TBXML, the XML parser I use (more on
Don't forget to enable the REST API in your Redmine configuration (Administration -> Settings -> Authentication -> Enable REST web service)
Start by creating a new RedmineEndpoint configuration:
RedmineEndpoint *ep = [[RedmineEndpoint alloc] init];
ep.redmineURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
ep.redmineUser = @"admin";
ep.redminePass = @"admin";
ep.redmineProjectIdentifier = @"test2";
(tracker and category selection is currently not handled)
Then create a new FeedbackViewController, set the endpoint you just create and present it (the view controller) modaly:
FeedbackViewController *feedbackvc = [[FeedbackViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FeedbackViewController" bundle:nil];
feedbackvc.endpoint = ep;
[self presentModalViewController:feedbackvc animated:YES];
Whatever you want.
- handle tracker
- handle issue category
- replace TBXML by a standard NSXMLParser
- create the POST body in a more proper way
- handle xml parsing error
- handle the text view to not stand under the keyboard
- handle a require property in each fields (currently just the subject is require to make the issue creation succed on Redmine)
- handle the verification of a proper mail address.
- iPad version
Any sugestion is welcome