Base64 encodes your script to obfuscate it, iterations make the file very large very quickly, preview:
- Gets content of input
- Converts content to b64 & uses randomized MBA obfuscated iex command & strings
- Writes encoded payload into
- Does this as often as you want (iterations)
([char](((-15212 -Band 4405) + (-15212 -Bor 4405) + 3213 + 7679))+[char](((-1237 -Band 5295) + (-1237 -Bor 5295) - 8168 + 4226))+[char](((3833 -Band 616) + (3833 -Bor 616) + 1393 - 5772))+[char](((-1442 -Band 9351) + (-1442 -Bor 9351) - 9352 + 1499)))
-> Input
-> Output
. \NV-Wrapper.ps1; main -nvi ".\Test.ps1" -nvo ".\Wrapped.ps1" -iterations 1
Using too many iterations will end in a big file!
Do not use the encoder to create malware, I take no responsibility for the abuse of this tool.