This repository serves as personal notes on the steps required to create iOS
apps through ionic Framework.
The steps are grouped as follows:
- Development Steps
- Provisioning Steps
- Packageing Steps
You will need the following to complete the task:
- OpenSSL (to create CSRs and keys)
- Development environment:
- Apple Developer Account ($99/yr) obviously to upload and test your application
- Google Console account ($25/yr)
- For push notifications, checkout the following:
- firebase
- Ionic Cloud
- Setup a Firebase (google) account for tracking crashes and making push requests
- take note of the Sender ID
- install firebase on your ionic
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase npm install --save @ionic-native/firebase
- Install other cordova plugins
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-clipboard npm install --save @ionic-native/clipboard ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing npm install --save @ionic-native/social-sharing npm install @ionic/cloud-angular --save cordova plugin add ionic-plugin-deploy --save ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-actionsheet npm install --save @ionic-native/action-sheet
- Good text editor
- Atom
- Brackets
- Notepad++
- MS Visual Code
- Mac Machine (or Mac Virtual Machine ;)), to load your IPA into developer account and test on iOS Simulator
- an App Specific Password if you use two factor authentication on your account
- Android Stuff for Android deployement and testing
- Splash Screen and Icons
- Your apple developer account id and Password
- App Identifier Name
- App Prefix (not sure if it is important)
- App Name
- Install JDK
- create keystore
keytool -genkey -v -keystore f6sny.keystore -alias f6sny_app -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
- memorize the Password
- Not much else, I just used the keystore while compiling the app. Nothing in google playstore.
- Just filled a profile for the app in google console and that was it.
Here are the steps to start developing your app
- For Typescript backend
ionic start yourprojectname tabs
- For JavaScript backend
ionic start yourprojectname tabs –type ionic1
(for JS support, ionic 2 is strictly Typescript and most of us hate that)
These steps are the minimum requirements for provisioning (for usage or testing) your app.
- Generate a private RSA Key
openssl genrsa -out f6sny.key 2048
- Create a CSR
openssl req -new -key f6sny.key -out f6sny.certSigningRequest
- Do not Enter Email Address
- Download your certificate from apple developer website
- Convert the Certificate to a P12 File
openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -in ios_distribution.cer -out ios_distribution.cer.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey f6sny.key -in ios_distribution.cer.pem -out Certificates.p12
* Choose and remember password for the p12 certificate (will be used in creator.ionic page)
- Create provisioning profile
- Download your ipa from ionic
- To automatically create your IPA or APK from CLI, use
ionic cordova build --release android
(replace android with ios for iphone)
- To automatically create your IPA or APK from CLI, use
- Create app in itunesconnect
- open xCode
- open application loader and upload your file
- head to itunes connect and finish the write-ups
- submit for review
- Develop your artwork using iOS 10 App Icon Template PSD/Sketch
- Or, simply create your
, place them in the resources folder and runionic cordova resources
- Or, simply create your
- Prepare screenshots for iPad and iPhone
- Prepare promotional text
- Prepare description
- Prepare search keywords
- Prepare notes for apple review
- Wait 3 days for review
- Utilize Ionic Delpoy to save some time Get Started With Ionic Services: Deploy
Reference: Ionic Publishing Guide
- Create a security profile in your cloud account Security Profiles
- Request the build
- iOS
ionic package build ios --profile PROFILE_TAG --prod --release
(ensure profile tag is all lowercase) - Android
ionic package build android --profile PROFILE_TAG --prod --release
- iOS
- Check build status
ionic package list
- Download your build
ionic package download BUILD_ID
(will download to your app directory)
- For Android It is a normal process, just check the docs
- For iOS You would need a mac machine, maybe through a virtual box?
These are some tips that you might or might not need while developing your application
- In development environment, while developing your API:
- Use HTTPS for iOS as HTTP is not accepted.
- add the following code to your PHP files to enable cross-origin requests:
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
- to start (test) your app
ionic serve
- to rtl support, start by setting the html
attributes of the html element
- Test your app on emulator
ionic cordova build android
andionic cordova run android
- If any problem encountered during emulation or build, try re-build
ionic cordova platform rm android ionic cordova platform add android
- Remove development plugins
ionic cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-console
- Remove development plugins
- Make sure to configure
correctly, refer to: cordova apache for details.- name attribute would be tha apk name and ipa name, and might be used for store title
ionic Framework Docs * ionic deployment manual AngularJS Basics AngularJS Docs Ionic Publishing Guide Ionic Framework: A definitive 10,000 word guide Creating a Sliding Introduction Component in Ionic 2 & 3
- Mohannad F. Otaibi (@buFai7an) -
- Your name? - email me at mohannadotaibi +
- 6 Degrees Technologies -
Specialized in, simply, Technologies.
No copyrights at all, I just collected all of this from all over the internet (which is a public place) and published it here for my own use and for your use.