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We use jekyll static site generator which supports github pages. So this blog is hosted on github.

How to make a new post

Create a file in the _posts folder with the name in the form of YEAR-MONTH-DAY-post_name. The post name will be a url to this post, so date will be cut and is used only for ordering.

To attach files and images, you can put them in the assets folder.

When you push to the master branch, github automagically compile this blog and update data. It may consume 5 minutes.

How setup environment (docker)

You need to have docker been installed on you machine. Also we use make to simplify commands.

  • make - run server
  • make test - test blog, links, styles
  • make build - build blog. Actually you do not need this.
  • make update - update gems.
  • make down - destoy docker container.

How setup environment (Full guide)

You need a ruby installed on your computer - Download ruby. On linux, osx you can do it via package manager, but i recommend to use RVM.

Install bundler: gem install bundler.

Now go to the project location and run bundle install to setup requirements.

Hot to run it locally

Just run bundle exec jekyll server from the command line in the project root. It will start a server with livereload.

See result here localhost:3000.

How to customize

In the jekyll usually create a theme and customize it. In our case we do not use themes but have our own styles, layouts and so on.

In the assets are styles, scripts, images, files. Actually you could use sass and even coffeescript.

In the _layouts are layouts - it's "bacground" pages. In the _posts you can specify which layout to use for each post.

In the _includes are partials. For example, header, footer, discuss block and so on.

In the _plugins are custom tags.

In the _config.yml you can put some variables, for example email, social network links, domain name and so on.

How to use custom tags

Post intro:

{% post_intro {"photo":"/assets/images/2018/04/anna.jpg", "name":"Анна Тарасенко","position":"рулевой 7bits","text":"Новый 2018&nbsp;год начался встречей со&nbsp;студенткой, которую почему-то интересовал мой&nbsp;путь в&nbsp;ИТ.<br>Ну, в&nbsp;общем-то, почему&nbsp;бы&nbsp;и не&nbsp;написать об&nbsp;этом?<br>Думаю, что кое-какие лайфхаки из&nbsp;этого рассказа вы почерпнете."} %} 

Post quote:

{% post_quote {"name":"Анна Тарасенко","position":"рулевой 7bits","text":"Это было выживание, потому что зарплата у меня была 1100 рублей в месяц (и это потому, что красный диплом! а то была бы 1000)."} %}