An open source raffle bot made to increase the chance of winning limited sneaker raffles by automating entries.
Prerequisites: Python 3 + PIP and Git
clone/fork SyneziaRaffles
git clone
install and start SyneziaRaffles
cd SyneziaRaffle
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python srcs/
You need to install PyInstaller & PyArmor before
# PYFIGLET PATH: path to pyfiglet directory
# RANDOM UA PATH: path to random user agent directory
# ICO PATH: path to your logo in .ico
# NAME: name of the executable
pyarmor pack --clean -e '--onefile --hidden-import pyfiglet --add-data {PYFIGLET PATH} --add-data {RANDOM UA PATH} --icon {ICO PATH}' srcs/ --name {NAME}
An example, i use that to compile the Client. The folder libs contains source code of random_user_agent and pyfiglet
pyarmor pack --clean -e '--onefile --hidden-import pyfiglet --add-data "./libs/pyfiglet;./pyfiglet" --add-data "./libs/random_user_agent;./random_user_agent" --icon icon.ico' srcs/ --name SyneziaRaffle
SyneziaRaffles was a free software in beta that helped to checkout more than 1000+ pairs. The best modules was FootLocker App, TheBrokenArm and NakedCPH.
The code is really bad, i have started to learn Python in December 2020 and i have release Synezia the 4 February 2021.
I release it now, because when i started to make my own Sneakers Bot i haven't found how to do it like how to compile exe, how to deal with requests. The code is really outdated, i advice you to not use it but take a look to learn. It missing some stuffs like Server (License System) and Monitors
For any commercial purpose feel free to reach me using Twitter, by email at or using discord seith#0001