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Inter IIT Tech Meet Digital Alpha Challenge Backend & ML Repo

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SaaS-Analyzer Backend

Inter IIT Tech Meet 10.0
Digital Alpha Challenge Backend Repo

How to host

  1. On the terminal, cd into the project folder

  2. Run ./ to create virtual environment and install required dependencies.

  3. Now execute ./ to host the server.

  4. Visit localhost:5000 to access the frontend.

API endpoints

Company By Name API

url: /companybyname
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {
                "name": <name of the company>

Response: {
            "cik": <cik of the company>, 
            "ticker": <ticker of the company>,
            "ARR": <latest ARR from db>,
            "NRR": <latest NRR/NDR from db>,
            "Customers": <total customers of the company>

Company By Cik API

url: /companybycik
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {
                "cik": <cik of the company>

Response: {
            "name": <name of the company>, 
            "ticker": <ticker of the company>,
            "ARR": <latest ARR from db>,
            "NRR": <latest NRR/NDR from db>,
            "Customers": <total customers of the company>

Company By Ticker API

url: /companybyticker
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>

Response: {
            "name": <name of the company>, 
            "cik": <cik of the company>,
            "ARR": <latest ARR from db>,
            "NRR": <latest NRR/NDR from db>,
            "Customers": <total customers of the company>

Timeseries By Ticker API

url: /tsbyticker
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>

Response: {
            "arrTS": <ARR timeseries>, 
            "nrrTS": <NRR timeseries>,
            "custTS": <customer timeseries>,
            "smTS": <sales and marketing expense timeseries>,
            "empTS": <employee timeseries>,
            "quarTS": <total customers of the company>,
            "srcTS": <source filings for data>            

Trending words By Ticker API

url: /twitbyticker
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>

Response: {
            "trendingWords": <trending words at twitter>            

QnA and Summary By Ticker API

url: /qnabyticker
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>

Response: {
            "qna": <array of dictionaries with keys 'question' and 'answer'> 
            "summary": <text summary>            

Sentiments By Ticker API

url: /sentibyticker
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>

Response: {
            "dictSenti": <Dictionary with probabilities of 6-7 classes according to the found occurrence> 
            "finbSenti": <Dictionary with probabilities of 'positive', 'neutral' & 'negative'>            

Sectionwise Data of last 10k By Ticker API

url: /secbyticker
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>

Response: {
            "sectionwise": <Dictionary of items 1-16 along with 1a,1b,7a,9a,9b>            

Company Overview API

url: /overviewbyticker
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {   
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>              
Response: {

Metrics Timeseries API

url: /incometimeseries
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {   
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>,
                "timeperiod": <annual (10-K forms)/quaterly (10-Q forms)>             
Response: {
           "data": [(date, opex, gpm, condition), ... ]

EPS Timeseries API

url: /earningstimeseries
method: POST

Successful: 200
Parameters: {   
                "ticker": <ticker of the company>,
                "timeperiod": <annual (10-K forms)/quaterly (10-Q forms)>             
Response: {
            "data": [(date, eps), ... ]


Inter IIT Tech Meet Digital Alpha Challenge Backend & ML Repo






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