This is a analysis of the summer olympics held from 1896 to 2008 created using python 3.9 and its various modules & libraries.
You need to have a python platform on your system.
- Download all the files in your pc but make sure to keep all of them in the exact same folder else the code will not execute.
- Open Summer.ipynb file.
- Later, hit run and the code will start executing.
The python libraries I used are:-
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
The data set is present in the summer.csv file.It has the following attributes:-
- Year
- City
- Sport
- Discipline
- Athlete
- Country
- Gender
- Event
- Medal
First things first reading the data with file handling.Then I imported all the required libraries. Now with given data I analyzed the data set for each aforementioned question.With the help of data visualization libraries I ploted output to give a better understanding of the data both visually and logically.You can find the analysis of olympics on the following 8 parameters-
- In how many cities Summer Olympics is held so far
- Which sport is have won most number of Gold Medals so far?(Top 5)
- Which sport is have won most number of medals so far?(Top 5)
- Which player has won most number of medals? (Top 5)
- Which player has won most number Gold Medals ? (Top 5)
- In which year India won it's first Gold Medal in Summer Olympics?
- Which event is most popular in terms on number of players? (Top 5)
- Which sport has most number of female Gold Medalists? (Top 5)
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Made by-Kartik Parashar