- How do a website work?
- Request and response diagram
- Client server architecture
- Routing
- DNS (Domain Name System) as phone book of internet
- explain difference between http and https, ftp, sftp.
- Protocol
- encryption / decryption: explain basic form of encryption
Homework 1: Visit a website and list out the features of the website
what is a Database? how database works?
Structure of a sample database and tables
Show them a sample school database with tables (student, subject, student_marks)
Homework 1: Write a table structure for school tbl_students, tbl_subject, tbl_student_marks
- install xampp in your local computer
- Create and Run a simple PHP program and an HTML file
Homework 2. Create a database and tables of library management system Create 3 tables (tbl_students, tbl_books, tbl_borrow)
- Editor / IDE (integrated development environment)
- PHPstorm
- VS Code
- Sublime Editor
- Download and Install VS Code
- Use the same editor to create sample PHP program and an HTML file
- Create db in phpmyadmin
- Create table in phpmyadmin
- Add rows in phpmyadmin
- what is PHP programming language
- Download wordpress from wp.org
- Install wordpress on your computer
- Talk about debugging mode in wordpress (wp-config.php file), change it to debug and production mode.
- Wordpress uses salt keys to protect your passwords, with these keys your password is kept safe so attackers can't use them even if they gain access to your data.
- Salt keys are used to sign your website's cookies, to encrypt your password when you save it in db. You should never share your salt keys with anyone and timely change it to mitigate the risk.
- WP theme is a collection of templates and stylesheets used to define the appearance and display of worpdress powered website.
- We can change it at any time, we can manage it at anytime, and we can add / remove it from wordpress appearance > theme area.
- There are a several numbers of paid and free themes.
- Plugin is a piece of software / application containing a group of functions that can be added to a wordpress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your wp websites.
- There are several numbers of paid and free plugins:
- We will go through all the components of Wordpress Dashboard and I will try to explain everything in brief.