A Minecraft Spigot plugin, keep scoreboard in a book.
Do you hate that the traditional scoreboard occupied a large space at the right hand side of the screen? it's not only ugly but also blocks players' view, especially on a small size monitor (eg. a laptop).
BookScoreBook let you have another choice: to keep the scoreboard or other information in a book, and players can use command to open their book scoreboard or read the information. These books are simply created in a void item stack and will not appear in the players' inventory. In sum, this plugin currently has the following features:
- Players can type command to open a book scoreboard.
- Book's content is fully configurable
- Support PlaceHolderAPI
- Support multi-pages
- Support chat colors (originally)
- Drag to the plugins folder
- Soft depend on PlaceHolderAPI
- Please fully test before use. If you encounter any problem, please send me feedback
Very easy to understand, see the above screenshots as the outcome:
enable: true
# all of the following sections support PlaceHolder
book-title: "Book Score Book"
book-author: "%player_name%"
- " §l-- Score Board -- "
- "§0Hi, §6§l%player_name%§0. Here's your info:"
- "§0Your Group: §1§l%player_group%"
- "§0Your Team: §5§l%player_team%"
- "§0Your Level: §2§l%player_level%"
- "§0Your Exp: §2§l%player_exp%"
- "§0Your Money: §2§l%player_money%"
- "§0Your IP: §4§l%player_ip%"
- "§0Your Ping: §4§l%player_ping%"
- "§0§lHave a nice day! ^_^ "
- " §l-- Notice -- "
- "§0This is an §1example message §0you can put in the second page. Anyway, if you want, you can put any message in any page."
- "Now this plugin's function is quite simple, please keep an eye on the §6§lfuture updates§0!"
# can the players open the book scoreboard?
# default: true
# permission to reload the config by command
# default: op
# player open the book scoreboard
# reload the plugin
The functionalities of BookScoreBoard is currently very simple, please keep an eye on the future updates. Future plans include but are not limited at:
- Bugs detections
- Performance optimization
- Customizable open book command
- Some open book hot keys
- More special effects and links in book scoreboard
- Server command to open the book for groups of player
- Etc.