- Name: Rashedul Alam
- Email: rashedul.alam@abo.fi
This project has all the implementation of mandatory and optional requirements.
- User authentication (login, registration)
- Product listing and filtering
- Shopping cart functionality
- Payment processing
- Inventory
- RQ-6: Search
- RQ-11: Remove from the cart
- RQ-12: Pay
- RQ-13: Routing
- RQ-14: Edit Account
- RQ-15: Display inventory
- RQ-16: Edit item
- Non Functional: The web pages should look nice and easy to use on regular desktop screens
Make sure you have the following installed on your system(these version has been used while local development however older version may work):
- Python 3.12.0 or later
- Node v20.10.0 or later
git clone https://github.com/AA-IT-WebTechCourse/webshopproject2023-RashedulAlam
cd webshopproject2023-RashedulAlam
python -m venv env
source env/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
python manage.py runserver
python manage.py runserver --noreload
note: Make sure that backend server runs 8000 port and port is available locally. Incase the server is run on different port then .env file on frontend directory should be updated accordingly so that frontend can connect proper backend.
Production Mode (Faster Browsing)
cd frontend
npm install
# npm run build
# The command should re-generate the build files from your machine
npm run start
Dev Mode (Slow Browsing)
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
note: sometimes during running application on development mode requires browser refresh only for the first time incase any error due to bug on nextjs or webpack however on production running there were no error. It was observed sporadically.
- http://localhost:3000 on browser will show the UI of webshop
- http://localhost:8000/swagger will show the Open API documentation for backend
If both backend and frontend server runs properly then start browsing the application. There is optional to populate the database. Make sure to popuate to start the testing.
Here is a series of images to demonstrate:
Incase of any issue while running and testing the application please reach out to me using the given email