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Internet Explorer

Tony Boyles edited this page May 16, 2018 · 1 revision

MicrobeTrace is not compatible with Internet Explorer, and probably never will be.

(Please note that the remainder of this page is developer-focused documentation.)


MicrobeTrace makes extensive use of ECMAScript 6 features. Internet Explorer's compatibility with these is virtually non-existent, and unlikely to ever be implemented.

What about Polyfills?

We can polyfill those features that don't alter the syntax of the language (for example, Array.prototype.includes), but MicrobeTrace uses non-polyfillable syntactic extensions to Javascript, like Arrow Functions and template literals.

What about Babel?

Good Question! We could possibly build IE-compatibility by structuring a build system around the Babel interpreter, which can be set to target IE11 (or even possibly earlier versions). If MicrobeTrace ever becomes IE-compatible, it will almost certainly because of Babel (or some sort of successor to it).

We've never built Babel into the production pipeline because we haven't needed to (yet). If you urgently need IE Support in MicrobeTrace for a cluster investigation, please file an issue requesting it.

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