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Nomenclature (for Developers)

Tony Boyles edited this page Sep 17, 2018 · 1 revision

Note: If you're a MicrobeTrace User, this section is unlikely to mean anything or be on any use to you.

In general, MicrobeTrace tries to adhere to the following style guide:

  • everything should have context-revealing names.


MicrobeTrace uses Bootstrap for most layouts and elements, so the majority of classes and names come from that. However, we also want to use names that are broadly consistent with Bootstrap's style so:

  • ids and classes should be all-lower-case, hyphen-delimited (i.e. kebab case)

In Javascript

  • functions and variables (either globally- or locally- scoped) will be camelCase
  • Object keys should also be camelCase, unless the keys map directly to some HTML or CSS element (see, for example,
  • events (that are unique to MicrobeTrace) should be kebab-case
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