mkdir ~/sciclops_ws
cd ~/sciclops_ws
mkdir src
cd src
git clone
git clone
cd ..
colcon build
A repository for the Hudson Plate Stacker (Sciclops).
This package guides a user to remotely control the sciclops.
Sciclops is the main object for removing microplates from the stackers and placing them on the exchange platform.
Sciclops has 4 controllable axes and a gripper.
Z: Vertical axis
R: Base turning axis
Y: Extension axis
P: Gripper turning axis
- Sciclops initialization
- Movements (move to preset points. ex: Neutral, Stack 1, etc.)
- Precise movements (move to certain point or certain distance)
Connect Sciclops to device with a serial to usb cable
Run following code in python script
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0] + '/SCICLOPS_logs/robot_client_logs.log')
- Install ROS2 and create ROS2 workspace
cd into src folder In terminal:
git clone
In terminal
colcon build source install/setup.bash ros2 run sciclops_ros_client sciclopsNode
Open new terminal
ros2 service call /sciclops_actions sciclops_module_services/srv/SciclopsActions "{action_request: <command>}"
- Get Plate 1
- Get Plate 2
- Get Plate 3
- Get Plate 4
- Get Plate 5
- Home
- Status
- cd into src folder
- git pull
- colcon build
- source install/setup.bash
- Sanjiv Parthasarathy
- Rafael Vescovi
- Eric Codrea
- Abe Stroka