{ "currentPhase" : Phase,
"phaseTime" : int,
"timeSincePhaseStart" : int,
"player1" : player,
"player2" : player,
"winner" : Winner,
"location" : Location,
"settings" : Settings
The game phase will be one of the following strings:
- GameJoining
- GameInstructions
- GameBiomePicking
- GameBiomeSelection
- GameInProgress
- GameTimeUp
- GameScoring
- GameWinner
- GameWaiting
{ "slot0" : Head,
"slot1" : Body,
"slot2" : Leg,
"slot0Score" : int,
"slot1Score" : int,
"slot2Score" : int,
"joined" : bool
Set to "True" if the player has joined, otherwise set to "False"
The amount of time allocated for this GamePhase. For GameWaiting, we say 0 (since it is actually infinite-- it waits unitl a player joins)
The amount of time elapsed since this phase started.
If an invalid piece is placed at the head, the head will be set to "HeadErr"
If there is no head placed, the head will be set to "NoHead"
Otherwise, it will be set to one of the following:
data HeadPart = Walrus | Vulture | Bison | Toucan
If an invalid piece is placed at the head, the head will be set to "BodyErr"
If there is no head placed, the head will be set to "NoBody"
Otherwise, it will be set to one of the following:
data BodyPart = Penguin | Camel | Zebra | TreeFrog
If an invalid piece is placed at the head, the head will be set to "LegErr"
If there is no head placed, the head will be set to "NoLeg"
Otherwise, it will be set to one of the following:
data LegPart = PolarBear | Lizard | Emu | Lemur
Only meaningful if the game is in the GameOver state.
Can be one of the following:
- "Tie"
- "Player1"
- "Player2"
Currently, one of the following:
- Desert
- Arctic
- Grassland
- Rainforest
volume : int,
brightness : int
Volume is an int between 0 and 100, inclusive.
Brightness is an int between 0 and 255, inclusive.
Returns a GameState. See above for the definition of GameState.
If the phase is set to GameWaiting, the game is over and no players have joined to start a new one.
If the phase is set to GameJoining, one player has joined and there is a 10 second countdown until the game begins.
If the phase is set to GameInProgress, then you may place and remove tiles. In all other phases, the server will reject requests to place or remove tiles.
If the phase is set to GameOver, then there is a X second window until the phase returns to GameWaiting. X will be set after we know about how long we want to play lights/sounds/animations to indicate the winner.
PlayerId is an int, 1 for player 1, 2 for player 2.
The server will only accept these requests if it is in the "GameWaiting" or "GameJoining" states.
If the phase is "GameWaiting" then joining will change the state to "GameJoining"
PlayerId is an int, 1 for player 1, 2 for player 2.
Slot should be an integer 0, 1, or 2. 0 is the head slot, 1 is the body slot, 2 is the leg slot.
TileId is an id for a tile. Currently, acceptable Ids are:
- "head1"
- "head2"
- "body1"
- "body2"
- "leg1"
- "leg2"
This will place a tile in the corresponding slot and update the game state appropriately.
If a tile is placed in an invalid slot, it will be set to the corresponding error string for that slot. In addition, it will return "status: error" in the JSON.
PlayerId is an int, 1 for player 1, 2 for player 2.
Slot should be an integer 0, 1, or 2. 0 is the head slot, 1 is the body slot, 2 is the leg slot.
This will remove the tile from Player X at slot Y and update the game state appropriately (where X is the player number and Y is the slot number).
Sets the brightness to the Int given. Will reject if it is not between 0 and 255 inclusive.
Sets the volime to the Int given. Will reject if it is not between 0 and 100 inclusive.
Puts the game back in a GameWaiting state and clears all the slots
To allow you to test faster, you can reset the game state to a new game with both players joined by sending a POST to /start.
You'll need to install stack
Then, follow the Yesod quickstart guide here starting at step 3.