A tool to manage simple accounting from a plain text file.
The purpose of this tool is to manage accounting for the French speaking Python User Group (www.afpy.org).
We just wanted to manage accounting in a plain text file (just like ledger does, but without double entry accounting).
This project is just a set of tools we use in order to achieve that.
The easiest way to use Pyash is to install it in a virtual environment using Pipenv.
$ pipenv install -e .
$ pipenv run pyash -h
Pyash is written for Python3.
The only dependencies are Jinja2 used to format text output, and chut used to build the CLI.
Our data file is made of money moves.
A money move is composed of a date, an amount, a kind, a category, a status, a description and a comment.
Here is an example :
2013/07/04 -100.00€ Check Category X
The first line is composed of a date (formatted with '%Y/%m/%d'), an amount (signed float and an € symbol), a move kind (check, order, etc.), a category (used as a grouper in reports) and a status (X for executed, P for pending).
The description is a single line.
The comment is a block beginning with 4 spaces, it can be on multiple lines.
$ pipenv run python setup.py test