My version of the StreamElements "Video On Command" custom widget, originally written by Benno.
The code builds on Suerion's variation of said widget (v3).
Special thanks to Benno, Suerion, lx, thefyrewire, Reboot0, SquidCharger and ca11.
This custom widget allows to associate media (video or audio) with chat commands.
The media plays when the corresponding command has been detected in chat.
Furthermore, the streamer can limit the access to particular users or user categories.
- User access level
no restrictions
. - A
blocked users
list. - Cooldown option for each video.
- Global cooldown (by Suerion).
- A total of 15 predefined audio commands (by Suerion).
- Added a dropdown list to each media command, which defines how a chat message is compared to the specified command string.
This way it is also triggered when the message contains additional content (e.g. "!lurk till later" or "I'm in !lurk"). - Switched for the access level selection from dropdown to a mix between dropdown and checkboxes.
Also added options for the individual subscription tiers. - Introduced two lists to the JavaScript, which hold field prefixes.
Those prefixes coupled with structural conventions in 'Fields', should (hopefully) make it easier to append new media commands (like a Xth video command). - Set the number of predefined commands to 5 for each media type.
- Added a case sensitivity option for the string comparison.
- Media input fields with the "multiple" parameter set to true are now supported.
If encountered, a random media is picked from the provided pool. - Migrated to a newer animate.css library version (3.7.0 -> 4.1.1).
- Started to use Reboot0's Widget Tools.