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3. Component methods

Gary Criblez edited this page Jun 25, 2020 · 6 revisions

AJUI_Animate_Info( ) -> String : Returns the version number of the component.

New Animation ( ) -> Object : Returns an object that contains all the usable member functions (Effects).

AJUI_Animate ( ) -> Class : This method replaces New Animation starting from V18R3, it is used to return the Animation class. The functions of the class are identical to the formulas

formGetObjectsCoordinates ( ) : This method retrieves in the object variable Form.AJUI_Animate_formObjects all the objects of the current form as well as their coordinates.

formResetObjectsCoordinates ( ) : This method moves and resizes all the form objects using the coordinates stored in the object variable Form.AJUI_Animate_formObjects.

stopAnimation ( ) : Clean all the process ids in the storage (AJUI_AnimateProcess_col)