This is a solution to the Results summary component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
it took me around 10 whole hours did this, i really need sleep.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
- Bonus: Use the local JSON data to dynamically populate the content (no, i used user's input to create the score)
- Solution URL: here is the solution
- Live Site URL: Live site here
This time, oi tried to do it cleaner like my first challenge like layout firs, add border and border-box and all that kind of stuff, in this project, i really make sure that everything, the layout and javascript on desktop and mobile, worked first, then i add some colors.
I layout the cotainer
i made all the functions
I add some colors
This is shorter than before partially because the rest is much like the same as previous challenge that i did, and partially because i did believe no one would look at my README anyway, but if you do, thanks a lot i appreciate it. and partly because as i'm writing this, i'm too tired, it's 11 p.m.
- div is better
- Flexbox, as usual to make everything cetered
- desktop-first workflow
- no library nor framefork, i don't know how to used them yet
This is really stupid, when i target the value number of the input using document.getElementById("reactionvalue").value; i tried to used it to make the score, but i spent 2-3 hours, figuring out why the scores output is NaN, hell and it turns out that the value that i got was not an integer, but a stupid string, i just remembered this is javascript, you can't trust anything, you have to manually set it to ineteger or string, ALWAYS!
I wanted to focus on simplifying my code and make it cleaner, more efficient, and easy to read.But right now i'm too tired too think about cleaning my code.
- MDN web docs - I think everyone should know how to use this website, it is like wikipedia made only for coding
- getcssscan - i used this website to copypaste the shadow style