Welcome to my repository documenting my learning journey through Code in Place! This repository contains my weekly assignment code, section meet assignments, lecture worked example files, and is organized into week-wise folders. Code in Place is a free introductory programming course that focuses on teaching Python, based on the material from Stanford University's CS106A course.
In my pursuit of enhancing my programming skills and deepening my understanding of Python, I am actively participating in Code in Place. Although I already have some programming experience, this course offers a structured learning path and valuable resources to further develop my proficiency.
: This directory contains assignments that were submitted as part of the selection process before joining the course.CourseAssignments/
: This directory holds the assignments completed during each week of the course. It includes folders for Week1, Week2, and so on.LectureWorkedExamples/
: This directory contains the worked examples demonstrated during the course lectures. It also includes folders for Week1, Week2, and so on.SectionAssignments/
: This directory holds the assignments related to the section meet sessions. It includes folders for Week1, Week2, and so on.KarelExtension/
: This directory stores my own Karel Extension projects and any additional challenges that I have solved.README.md
: This file provides an overview of my learning journey and the repository structure.
Week1 contains assignments and exercises covering the fundamentals of Karel and Python programming, projects and assignments focused on enhancing Karel's capabilities and practicing problem decomposition skills.
In this week, we delved deeper into Karel programming. Week2 includes assignments and exercises that challenged our ability to decompose large problems into smaller ones, which is a fundamental skill in programming.
This week marked a fresh new chapter in our coding journey, with a shift towards console programming as the central focus. We bid farewell to Karel and started exploring Python programming in the console environment. Exciting times ahead! 🌱💙🎉
Week 4 started off with a capstone console program that utilized the concepts learned in the previous week. We built a complete program using the skills acquired so far. After completing the capstone project, we moved on to learn how to code with graphics. This folder contains assignments and projects where we explore the world of graphics programming.
I'm excited to embrace this learning opportunity and continue building my programming skills with Code in Place. Through this repository, I aim to showcase my progress and the knowledge gained throughout the course.
Let's embark on this coding adventure together!