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Windeeds Data Entry

Friedrich Lindenberg edited this page Jul 9, 2014 · 2 revisions

This is a quick check list for data entry based on Windeeds. In the first instance, we will focus on directorships and company information.

  • KS will provide a list of people of interest
  • Open up Windeeds and look up a person of interest
  • Generate a PDF file from that page
  • Upload the PDF file to SourceAfrica, into the connectedAfrica project
  • Open up the data entry spreadsheet
  • Add information about the person holding the companies to the relevant sheet
    • Make sure to spell the name exactly as it is in Windeeds
    • Provide the SourceAfrica address of the uploaded document as a source link
  • Add information about the company being held to the relevant sheet
    • Make sure to spell the name exactly as it is in Windeeds
    • Provide the SourceAfrica address of the uploaded document as a source link
  • Add information about the directorship to the relevant sheet
    • Make sure to provide the dates in the proper format so that they can be understood by Google docs.
  • For each company that is directly held by a person of interest, look it up in turn
    • Repeat the last steps around PDF generation and data entry for that company and its subsidiaries and other owners.
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