This code was used to attempt go gain personal info of pedophiles on a site for trading different files. Using this code, I was able to find EXIF data of many pedophiles around the world, which was shared with law enforcement anonymously and was wiped, thus completing my task. Mind you, this code when put to use would be illegal, since it has the ability to gain files that are illegal in most countries.
DO NOT fix this code, the urls and original names of these files have been removed to keep you from attempting for yourself.
Quick note as well, some code was taken from Stack Overflow, and not sure who they originally belonged to. Contact me if you're the original designers of those lines of code, so that I can attribute you to those lines.
############## ORIGINAL FILE STRUCTURE ############## # Main script, used for exfiltrating the data.
CAPS/ # Location where captchas were stored. # Configuration file, made incase I decided to be a little more creative.
images/ # Location where images were stored.
random.jpg # Test file that for whatever reason I made important for running. # Repeats the script infinitely
tessdata_best #
tessdata_fast #
---- Disclaimer ----
It's the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.
Please contact me if you'd like this removed for any reason.