REL Q3'16 - build v0242
This is a public release intended for general use and wide distribution. It contains primarily bug fixes over version 0242.
New Firmware
-Add automation command to perform msd erase #108
-Increase filesystem size to 64MB to allow for larger targets and change format to FAT16 #112
-Same firmware now used for nrf51-dk, nrf51822 and nrf52-dk - sam3u2c_mkit_dk_dongle_nrf5x_if #93
-Flush uart data on sam3u when settings change #147 #142
-Fix handling of SWD protocol errors when debugging over the cmsis-dap endpoint #135
-Fix uart race condition on K20 and KL26 firmware causing hang on echo test #97
-Fix rare uart race condition K20 and KL26 firmware cause PC to be flooded with invalid UART data #97
-Fix rare msd bug causing drive to stay unmounted #120
-Fix rare msd bug that occurs when usb is reset during a bulk transfer - #77
-Fix reported FS corruption when checkdisk is run after a file has been created - #77
-Unresolved rare intermittent assert on USB transfer - #134