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@dedsecrattle dedsecrattle released this 21 Mar 03:39
· 447 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

Add Command -

  • Students can added with Id, Major and Intake in addition to the previous attributes (Name, Email, Address, Phone, Tag).
  • Id is the Primary Key for the Students now instead of Name i.e All the Students in the Application Database must have unique ID.

Edit Command -

  • Student can edited with Id, Major and Intake in addition to the previous attributes (Name, Email, Address, Phone, Tag).
  • Duplicate Detection for Students in the Application is based on Id of the Students.

Tag Command -

  • Users can add one or more tags to a student with just one command.
  • Duplicate Tag will be removed automatically.

Find Command -

  • Users can find an individual either by Id, Name, or both.
  • Searching using a name returns only the individuals whose Name is an ordered super string of the search term.
  • Searching using student Id returns only the individuals whose student Id is a super string of the search id, disregarding ordering.
  • Searching using both returns only the individuals who satisfy the Name & Id criteria.

Delete Command -

  • Users can delete a student either by Index or Id.
  • Delete by index will delete user from filtered list of students.
  • Delete by student Id will delete user from filtered list of students if the student is found. Else, it will delete user from the full addressbook list.

UI -

  • Changed Color Scheme to Light combination of White-Purple
  • Added Logo
  • Changed Student Information Dialog

Demo Video - Link

Full Changelog: v1.1...v1.2