User Input: Prompt the user to choose rock, paper, or scissors.
Computer Selection: Generate a random choice (rock, paper, or scissors) for the computer.
Game Logic: Determine the winner based on the user's choice and the computer's choice. Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, and paper beats rock.
Display Result: Show the user's choice and the computer's choice. Display the result, whether the user wins, loses, or it's a tie.
Score Tracking (Optional): Keep track of the user's and computer's scores for multiple rounds.
Play Again: Ask the user if they want to play another round.
User Interface: Design a user-friendly interface with clear instructions and feedback.
Task 5 (Rock-Paper-Scissors) :- A graphical user interface (GUI) based implementation of the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors game using Python and Tkinter.
Player vs Computer: Play against the computer and test your luck.
Score Tracking: Keep track of your score against the computer.
Easy-to-Use Interface: Graphical buttons for rock, paper, and scissors selection.
Visual Feedback: See the choices made by both the player and the computer.
Game Result Display: Instant feedback on whether you win, lose, or tie.
- Run the script and the game window will appear.
- You will choice the number of rounds to play game.
- Click on the button to start and corresponding to your choice of rock, paper, or scissors.
- The computer will randomly select its choice.
- The result of the game will be displayed on the screen, along with the updated score.
- You can play again the game and choice the number of rounds to play by clicking the "start" button.
- To quit the game, click the "Quit" button.