pics of original image
why this project?
I spend most of the time using my laptop during this lockdown period. I can only get to know about new cases whenever i am using social media.
Keeping these things, I created a notification system that notifies me whenever any new case appears in Nepal. Now I can do my other projects or watch movies and get notified about new updates. consist of function that load and scrapped "" then in return gives the dictionary data which is
saved as json file. is the first program to save the json file as "country.json".
note:either run this file once or don't run it. It's okay if you don't run it. is the main program that notifies me whenever new updates are obtained.Also the logic for handling new case and updating old json file is done.
1.clone or download this project:
git clone
2.Create your virtual env
python3 -m venv virtualenv
3.activate your env and install all requirements
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt (it runs infinity and notifies you if new cases appear).