A twitter bot for whatsapp built using python, tweepy and twilio
- Clone this repo to your local machine using
CONSUMER_KEY = 't5qZhGyVwTkNArktAPM64nSvl'
CONSUMER_SECRET = 'lk2ViVadYV6JbyeY7KLRfcDSxV9aGdn9ez9pTTO8cylnO7Z16J'
DATABASE= 'postgres://xdqieazjvunfne:95c006314ec65cb73f0c7895ef905c64b6606932a7d13cbcab22cb7bdf7a0c0d@ec2-3-216-129-140.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/d3hdstc8500olp'
Run the following commands in your terminal (in your SERVER/BACKEND repo):
heroku --version
If it gives you a version, it means that the Heroku CLI interface is correctly installed.
If not, create an account in Heroku (https://signup.heroku.com/) and repeat.
Once you have Heroku installed, run this command in your terminal to login:
heroku login
Type 'enter' or any key and you will be redirected to a browser window where you'll be able to login to your Heroku account.
- Give a name to your app (will be used as a url to your deployed app, so choose something meaningful)
- Choose region: 'Europe'
- Click on "Create" You'll get to the application panel of your app: https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/{NAME-OF-YOUR-APP-HERE}/deploy/heroku-git
In the root folder of your SERVER/BACKEND repo, run the following command to add heroku remote (connect your local server repo to your app on heroku):
$ heroku git:remote -a name-of-the-app
You will find that command under the "Create a new Git repository" section in your dashboard)
Check that the remote has been correctly added to your project.
You should see a new remote 'heroku' in addition to 'origin' (Github):
$ git remote -v
First, commit your last changes on 'master' branch and push them to Github. On the master branch of your SERVER/BACKEND repo:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Add last changes'
$ git push origin master
then deploy them as well to Heroku pushing them to your 'heroku' remote:
$ git push heroku master
- To get started with WhatsApp, we need to first activate our Twilio Sandbox for WhatsApp. Once you have created a new Programmable SMS project, from the dashboard, select Programmable SMS then select WhatsApp. You will be prompted to activate your sandbox.
- After following the instructions, you should get a message similar to this one on WhatsApp:
- Copy that URL of your Heroku App and paste the URL into the WHEN A MESSAGE COMES IN input box of the sandbox configuration page:
Login and logout
Makes Tweet along with images and videos
Tweets greater than 280 characters are automatically broken into smaller tweets
Can update user's profile picture
Get trending twitter hastags
Shows user's recent tweets and replies
Can follow and unfollow users
Send/Receive Direct Messages
Copyright © 2020, Ayush Shukla. Released under the MIT license.