A curated list of awesome Carbon frameworks, libraries, software, resources and news.
Inspired by awesome-Python.
- Awesome Carbon
- Algorithms and Design Patterns
- Asynchronous Programming
- Build Tools
- Command-line Interface Development
- Command-line Tools
- Concurrency and Parallelism
- Date and Time
- Debugging Tools
- Documentation
- Downloader
- Editor Plugins and IDEs
- Files
- Functional Programming
- GUI Development
- Logging
- Miscellaneous
- Refactoring
- Robotics
- Science
- Shell
- Software Architecture
- Testing
- Resources
- Contributing
Carbon implementation of data structures, algorithms and design patterns. Also see awesome-algorithms.
Libraries for asynchronous programming.
Compile software from source code.
Libraries for building command-line applications.
Command-line Application Development
Terminal Rendering
Useful CLI-based tools for productivity.
- Productivity Tools
Libraries for concurrency and parallelism.
Libraries for working with dates and times.
Libraries for debugging code.
Resources for generating documentation.
Libraries for downloading.
Plugins and IDEs for Carbon.
Libraries for file manipulation and MIME type detection.
Functional Programming with Carbon.
Libraries for working with graphical user interface applications.
Libraries for generating and working with logs.
Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above.
Refactoring tools and libraries for Carbon
Libraries for building RESTful APIs.
Libraries for robotics.
Libraries for scientific computing.
Shells based on Carbon.
Libraries for software architecture.
Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.
Testing Frameworks
Test Data Generation
Libraries for accessing third party services APIs.
Where to discover learning resources or new Carbon libraries.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first I will keep some pull requests open if I'm not sure whether those libraries are awesome, you could vote for them by adding 👍 to them. Pull requests will be merged when their votes reach 10.
If you have any question about this opinionated list, do not hesitate to contact me by opening an issue on GitHub.