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Project description:

Hajj Watch helps pilgrims to get better experience in doing Hajj activity, starting with translation speech to Arabic language for non Arabic speaker, get best direction to specific location like Kabbah, Jammarat and campaign, find in the map family member or friends, also train’s boarding by QR code, also the government and the campaign can notify pilgrims with any announcement by send notification to the watch, finally Hajj Watch has section for emergence numbers.

In the future we have ideas that can be added to Hajj Watch, it would make Hajj experience better, like: body health tracker, crowed notification and suggested pray (Dowa’a) in specific location.

The existing code before the hackathon:

1- Google Cloud translation API.

2- Google Maps API.

3- Google Firebase.

4- Speech to text in Android.

5- Volley from Google.

What has been created during the hackathon:

All features and UI designed and built in the Hackathon: 1- UI Interface.

2- Speech to text.

3- Translation.

4- Map direction.

5- Friends in map

6- Notification

7- QR barcode for train boarding.

8- Integrate all the features in the project

Elevator pitch:

Hajj Watch will make the hajj experience better by using maps and notification.

Team members:

Muath Alkhulayfi, Ziyad Alkhonein, Abdullah Almahri

It's built with:

Android Studio / Java / XML


Pilgrims in many places could lose one of his/her friends or family member, or miss way to get back to campaign, also the languages is one of the most common problem so the pilgrims can't ask about anything, also if any problem happens not easy to find emergency numbers. so we Decide To Start "Hajj Watch".

What it does:

Hajj Watch has many features as: 1- Navigate pilgrims with best way to list of important places. 2- notify pilgrims if there is any problem or crowded in the way. 3- translate pilgrims speech to Arabic lang in realtime. 4- Train boarding one of Hajj Watch feature

How we built it:

we are building the project in Android Studio because it's compatible with Android wear OS and it's open source, so in the feature we can build our own watch.

Challenges we ran into:

we ran into many Challenges in which platform should we develop the Project the after days of searching we have chose Android wear OS as mention above and many more.

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

we are proud of developing the first prototype that can explain full features of The "Hajj Watch".

What we learned:

we have learned how to deal with Google Cloud Speech Recognition and Translation, also Google Map Platform.

What's next for A-086 Hajj Watch:

We think we will complete our project and we will do more work on the business side so the pilgrims can have really good experience in the Hajj.


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