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1381 lines (768 loc) · 51.6 KB

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1381 lines (768 loc) · 51.6 KB

🎉 1.4.43

  1. Added onLeftPress and onRightPress props to Population charts. See #855
  2. Fix BarChart crash when maxValue is 0. Thanks to sakisdog for the PR- Abhinandan-Kushwaha/gifted-charts-core#55

🎉 1.4.42

✨ Features added-

  1. Added 185 screenshot tests to avoid regressions and make the library pixel perfect. See
  2. Added animation to bar charts when the width of bar changes, earlier animation worked only on height change.

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Crash on passing empty data to Bar charts. See #851
  2. Fixed the issue- Line & area charts with pointerConfig blink when animateOnDataChange is true. See #849
  3. Fixed the issue- animateOnDataChange does not work when yAxisOffset is set. See #853
  4. Fixed the issue- Right side y-Axis not working in <LineChartBiColor>. See #847
  5. Fixed all issues with yAxisSide='right' and secondary Y-axis alignment. Wrote thorough screenshot tests relates to Axes and labels.

🎉 1.4.41

Fixed the x-axis alignment issue for animated gradient Bar charts when using xAxisLabelsVerticalShift. Also fixed the extra space at bottom when using xAxisLabelsVerticalShift.
See #842

🎉 1.4.40

✨ Features added-

Added the properties dynamicLegendComponent and dynamicLegendContainerStyle inside the pointerConfig object.

dynamicLegendComponent is a property inside the pointerConfig prop, very similar to pointerLabelComponent, the only difference is that it is stationary whereas pointerLabelComponent moves as the pointer moves. You can set the position of the dynamicLegendComponent using the dynamicLegendContainerStyle property inside pointerConfig

You are supposed to assign a callback function to dynamicLegendComponent. The callback function receives 2 parameters-

  1. Array of currently selected items (in case you are rendering a single line, the array will have a single item)
  2. Index of the selected item.

Note: The legend component appears only as long as the pointer remains remains on the screen. To make the dynamic legend remain persistently on the screen, you can set the persistPointer property to true. The initialPointerIndex property can also be useful.

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- autoShiftLabels not working properly. See

  2. Fixed the issue- "Bar alignment issue when using the labelsExtraHeight prop." See #839

🎉 1.4.39

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- "onPress pressing/focusing wrong Pie section". It fixes these issues-

    1. #832
    2. #297
    3. #812
      As a part of this fix, removed onLabelPress which is still there in types, but will not be functional. Will try to restore it in future.
  2. Fixed the issue- "Line charts crash if data is an empty array." See #707

🎉 1.4.38

Fixed the issue- "Line chart inside Bar chart misaligned if data contains -ve values"

🎉 1.4.37

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- "Line charts crashing with error Cannot read property 'isSecondary' of null. See #831

  2. Fixed the issue- "Animations not working for Line charts. See #833"

🎉 1.4.36

Fixed the issue- "secondary Y-axis offset is not getting considered in the Line chart rendered inside Bar chart using showLine and lineConfig = {{ isSecondary: true }}."

🎉 1.4.35

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for secondary Bars using the property isSecondary: true inside the objects of data array. Available in both Bar and Stacked bar charts. See #828
    Also, removed the redundant secondaryData prop from Bar charts.

  2. Auto-compute the params for the secondary Y-axis based on the secondary data range. Applicable for both Bar and Line/Area charts.

These features were implemented with a considerable amount of refactor which I hope will fix several issues related to secondary data and negative secondary Y axis.

🎉 1.4.34

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop extrapolateMissingValues to Line and Area charts to enable/disable the extrapolation of nullish values at the start and end of the chart. The default value of extrapolateMissingValues is true.
    Note that extrapolation will not work if interpolateMissingValues is set to false. Extrapolation works only if interpolation is enabled. See #821

  2. Added the feature to auto scale the Y-axis and auto compute the value of roundToDigits based on the range of values in the data or dataSet. See #825

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- "Y-Axis is not showing the labels correctly if we use the prop yAxisLabelTexts and have only one Y-axis (primary or secondary) with a negative value." See #814 (comment)

  2. Fixed the issue- "null value in pointerLabelComponent inside pointerConfig". The pointer label was having undefined value for a few milliseconds after unfocus. See #752

  3. Fixed the issue- Data line is being rendered a little below the x-axis. See #824 (reply in thread)

🎉 1.4.33

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Secondary Y-axis labels misaligned for negative part (4th quadrant) and yAxisLabelTexts not working properly in the Secondary Y-axis. See #814 (comment)

  2. Fixed the issue- app crashes with interpolateMissingValues=false and areaChart=true. See #805

🎉 1.4.32

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- topLabel component not displayed for animated stacked Bar charts. See #813

  2. Fixed the issue- Line in Bar chart not shifted downwards in case the Bar chart has negative values too. See #814

  3. Fixed the issue- Secondary Y axis labels incorrect when yAxisLabelTexts prop is used. See #814

  4. Fixed the issue- If both the first and the last pie sections are on pole, then the external labels overlap. See #806 (comment)

  5. Fixed the issue- Pattern inside Bars not displayed. See software-mansion/react-native-svg#2437 (comment)

  6. Fixed the issue- animation not working for simple 2d Bar charts.

🎉 1.4.31

✨ Features added-

  1. Pointer lines will now be displayed in both positive and negative values of the Line and Area charts (1st and 4th quadrant). See #799

  2. Added the property avoidOverlappingOfLabels to the prop labelLineConfig for Pie and donut charts. The default being true, it auto shifts overlapping external labels in Pie charts rendered using showExternalLabels and externalLabelComponent. See #801 Note: Only the labels overlapping near the poles (at the top and bottom) will be auto-shifted. Auto-shifting can be disabled by setting avoidOverlappingOfLabels: false inside the labelLineConfig object.

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Vertical lines displayed using the showVerticalLines prop are incomplete in Bar and Line charts when run on web (using Expo). See #794

  2. Fixed the issue- Line chart is shifted up and some data cannot be displayed (on web using Expo). See #778

  3. Fixed the issue- Focused section always getting the color of the 1st section on web (using Expo) See #800 (comment)

🎉 1.4.30

✨ Features added-

animateOnDataChange now works evevn if the lehgth of data array is changed. Earlier it worked for data changes with same length and threw error on changing the length of data array.
See- #791
This is solved by adding dummy points to the data having lesser number of points. Dummy points are added carefully using the pointsWithPaddedRepititions util function from gifted-charts-core.

🎉 1.4.29

✨ Features added-

  1. The prop topLabelTextStyle now works for stacked Bar charts just like it used to work for simple Bar charts. See #446 (comment)

  2. Secondary Y axis with negative values in secondary data or dataSet with isSecondary: true sets are now supported. Independent height, stepHeight, stepValue, mostNegativeValue, noOfSectionsBelowXAxis for primary and secondary Y-axes below origin supported.

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed the issue- Negative steps and values in in second y axis are incorrect position. See #775

🔨 Refactor

  1. Removed unnecessary interpolation for animations in Line charts.

  2. Passed containerHeightIncludingBelowXAxis to the renderChartContent method from the BarAndLineChartsWrapper component. This will ensure a consistent value of containerHeightIncludingBelowXAxis.

  3. Updated the util (maxAndMinUtil) to compute the value of minItem in case of roundToDigits:true in gifted-charts-core.

  4. Moved the computation of below variables from getHorizSectionVals to useBarAndLineChartsWrapper in gifted-charts-core.

    1. secondaryMaxItem
    2. secondaryMinItem
    3. secondaryStepValue
    4. secondaryNegativeStepValue
    5. secondaryNoOfSectionsBelowXAxis

🎉 1.4.28

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop referenceLinesOverChartContent to Line and Area charts (earlier available for Bar charts only). See #761

  2. Added support for external Labels in Pie and Donut charts. See #763
    It uses the below props-

    1. showExternalLabels (boolean)
    2. labelLineConfig (object of LabelLineConfig type)
    3. externalLabelComponent (svg component for label, a callback function with 2 parameters- item and index)

The labelLineConfig prop is an object of LabelLineConfig type described below-

type LabelLineConfig = {
  length?: number; // default 10
  tailLength?: number; // default 8
  color?: ColorValue; // default 'black'
  thickness?: number; // default 1
  labelComponentWidth?: number; // default 20
  labelComponentHeight?: number; // default 10
  labelComponentMargin?: number; // default 4

🔨 Refactor

Renamed the extraRadiusForFocused to extraRadius in Pie and Donut charts.

🎉 1.4.27

Accidentally pushed with a minor bug. Don't use this version!! Use 1.4.28 or newer versions.

🎉 1.4.26

✨ Features added-

Added the property hidePointers to the objects of the dataSet array. This will let us hide the pointers for individual sets.
Also, we can now add the property hidePointer inside individual data items of any dataSet.
See #755

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- areaChart given in dataSet array of line chart doesn't work. See #758
  2. Fixed the issue- Crash when I click to datapoint doesn't have any value. See #757

🎉 1.4.25

✨ Features added-

Added the prop intersectionAreaConfig that defines properties for intersection area of data and data2 (1st & 2nd areas). See

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed the issue- pointerLabelComponent's second parameter (representing secondaryItem) is undefined. See #752

🔨 Refactor

Reused activatePointers function, thus removing many lines of repetitive code in the LineChart component.

🎉 1.4.24

✨ Features added-

  1. Line charts can now have data arrays of different lengths. This means that data, data2, data3 don't need to be of same length. Same applies to the sets of dataSet.

  2. Added the prop labelWidth to stacked Bar charts. Thanks to Nathan Karmer for his PR- #748

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Datapoint in secondary lines are incorrect position in pointerConfig. See #749

  2. Fixed the issue- Data points visible even if an area chart is hidded under some other area chart.

  3. Fixed the issue- Crash due to replacing findLastIndex with slice().reverse().findIndex in gifted-charts-core. I was reversing only the array and forgot to reverse the index. Thanks to dumihi313 for his PR- Abhinandan-Kushwaha/gifted-charts-core#37

🎉 1.4.23

✨ Features added-

  1. Added pointerIndex to the parameter list of pointerLabelComponent. This will help conditionally format the pointerLabelComponent based on pointerIndex.
    pointerLabelComponent now accepts 3 parameters- items, secondaryDataItem and pointerIndex. One use case would be to position the first and last pointerLabelComponents such that they don't overflow the chart area.

  2. Refactored the animateOnDataChange for Line and Area charts to make the animation smooth. animateOnDataChange is now suppported for curved charts as well! See

🔨 Refactor

In gifted-charts-core, replaced findLastIndex() with slice().reverse().findIndex().
See the issue- Abhinandan-Kushwaha/gifted-charts-core#31 and its fix PR- Abhinandan-Kushwaha/gifted-charts-core#33

🎉 1.4.22 Mega Release ⭐️

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop verticalLinesStrokeLinecap to Bar and Line charts that takes the values 'butt', 'round' and 'square' ('butt' being the default). See the stroke-linecap property in svg.

🔨 Refactor

The library now ships js binary obtained after compiling using babel. This should fix all typescript issues like these-

  1. #722
  2. #691
  3. #651
  4. #625
  5. #546
  6. #473

Note: Since we are now shipping compiled js, you may need to install the gifted-charts-core dependency.

PR- #736 and #737

🎉 1.4.21

Accidentally pushed the build folder (dist) without type declarations. Don't use this version!! Use 1.4.22 or newer versions.

🎉 1.4.20

✨ Features added-

Added the following properties in the lineConfig prop for Bar charts (to control the line rendered inside Bar charts using the showLine prop) -

focusEnabled?: boolean;
focusedDataPointColor?: ColorValue;
focusedDataPointRadius?: number;
focusedDataPointIndex?: number;

See #729

🎉 1.4.19

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop stripStrokeDashArray to support dotted and dashed vertical strips in Line and Area charts. See #611
  2. Added the properties barBorderWidth and barBorderColor to data items in Bar charts. Earlier these properties could only be passed directly as props. But now, they can be passed to individual data items as well. See #580

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Y-axis indices are not properly aligned with rule lines. See #577

🎉 1.4.18

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop secondaryXAxis to render an additional X axis at the top of the chart.

The labels to be displayed along the secondary X-axis can be passed in these 2 ways-

  1. Through the property named secondaryLabel in the data array
  2. Through the property named labelTexts in the secondaryXAxis prop.

The secondaryXAxis props accepts an object of the following type-

XAxisConfig {
  thickness?: number
  color?: ColorValue
  labelsDistanceFromXaxis?: number
  labelsHeight?: number
  labelsTextStyle?: any
  labelTexts?: string[]

See #642

  1. Added the properties secondaryLabel, secondaryLabelComponent and secondaryLabelTextStyle to the data items of Bar and Line charts.

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Bar chart does not update on changing data values. (Only animated Bar charts used to update). See #643

🎉 1.4.17

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop autoCenterTooltip to auto-center the tooltip for Bar charts. See #713

  2. Added the prop nestedScrollEnabled to Bar and Line charts. It is useful when the chart is used inside a horizontal ScrollView as without this, the chart's scrolling is compromised. Thanks to Guilherme Pellegrini Coelho for his PR #640

  3. Added the props onChartAreaPress and onBackgroundPress for Line and Area charts. See #634

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Line chart crashing when using dataSet and pointerConfig together. See #708

  2. Fixed the issue- Values in pointerLabelComponent are wrong when using yAxisOffset. See #645

  3. Fixed the issue "A props object containing a "key" prop is being spread into JSX" (in react 18.3 onwards) See #646

  4. Fixed the issue- Horizontal bar tooltip not rotated. See #672

  5. Fixed the issue- In secoundry Y-axis, hideOrigin doesn't work correctly (hides the top Y-label instead of bottom) See #704

  6. Fixed the issue- LineChart does not recognize sectionColors parameter. See #715

🎉 1.4.16

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop focusedPieIndex to Pie charts used to set initially focused pie and to override the focus behaviour on onPress. See #702

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Line inside Bar chart with secondary y-axis is misaligned. Fix taken from this patch-package. See #543

  2. Fixed the issue- When using LineChart with specifying both dataSet and pointerConfig, "Cannot read property 'value' of undefined" error occurs. See #673

  3. Fixed the issue- y-axis labels misaligned for right-side y-axis when passing an endSpacing value. Fixed this by rectifying the calculation of totalWidth in gifted-charts-core.

🎉 1.4.15

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the props negativeStepValue and negativeStepHeight to control the value and height of 1 step/section in the Y axis for negative values (in the 4th quadrant). See #686 (Supported in both- Bar and Line charts, but currently functional in Bar charts only)

  2. Added the prop sectionColors to set the background color of the horizontal sections of the chart. It is an array of ColorValues (or strings denoting colors). So, each section can have a different background color now. See #547

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- y-axis gets distorted for large negative values. Y-axis below origin will now have adequate number of sections instead of the default 10 sections. See #685
  2. Fixed the issue- Bars slightly below the rules. See #670 (comment) (Issue was there only in non-gradient Bar chart)

🎉 1.4.14

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop focusedBarIndex to Bar charts used to set initially focused bar and to override the focus behaviour on onPress. See #675
  2. Added the prop labelsDistanceFromXaxis to shift the X-axis labels vertically up or down from their original position (that is just below the x axis). This prop will be very useful in case of Stacked Bar charts having both +ve and -ve values in the same stack. See #678
  3. Added the prop autoShiftLabelsForNegativeStacks to stacked Bar charts and its default value is true. It is used to decide whether the X-axis labels should appear just under the negative bar (in case of Stacked Bar charts having both +ve and -ve values in the same stack), or whether they all should appear in one single line. See #678

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Y-axis under the X-axis has one less section than expected. See #676

🎉 1.4.13

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop focusedDataPointIndex to Line charts used to set initially focused data point and to override the focus behaviour on onFocus. See #680

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- data points getting cropped in non-scrollable fixed width Line and Area charts. See- #623 and #681
  2. Fixed the issue- yAxisLabelTexts not working (showing NaN as labels) See #22 (comment)


Accidental release, please don't use this version.

🎉 1.4.11

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the props adjustToWidth and parentWidth to Bar chart. See #660
  2. Added the prop showDataPointLabelOnFocus to Line / Area charts to show dataPointLabel (tooltip) on the focused data point. See #664

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Bar chart with pointerConfig breaks with negative values. See #654
  2. Fixed the issue- When using dataSet, only one pointer is displayed on the line chart. Also added the prop pointerColorsForDataSet. See #610
  3. Fixed issue with pointers on secondary data line not displaying at proper position (earlier they were all displayed at x-axis)
  4. Removed the wrong prop name pieInnerComponent in PieChartPro and replaced it with the correct name- centerLabelComponent

🎉 1.4.10

✨ Features added-

Added the prop onMomentumScrollEnd to Bar and Line charts. It can be used to fire an event when scroll is completed. See #601

🎉 1.4.9

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for multiple lines corresponding to secondary y-axis. Now we can add the property isSecondary inside the objects of the dataSet array. When using isSecondary, make sure to pass the secondaryYAxis prop. See #586

  2. Added support for ring Pie charts. Just pass the prop ring in the <PieChartPro> component to make a ring like Pie chart. See #584

  3. Added support for pieInnerComponent to <PieChartPro>

🎉 1.4.8 Mega Release ⭐️

✨ Features added-

Animation in Pie and donut charts using the <PieChartPro> component. See #555

Curved paths (border-radius) in donut sections supported using the <PieChartPro> component. See #554

Support for expo gradient, thanks to onyx-flame for his PR #571

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. refactors and adjustments related to xAxisThickness and yAxisOffset. See #574

🎉 1.4.7

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue - animateOnDataChange skipping the initial render, thus rendering an empty chart. See #537
  2. Fixed the issue - yAxisOffset not working with dataSet in Line (and Area) charts.

🎉 1.4.6

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the properties shiftTextBackgroundX and shiftTextBackgroundY to data items of Pie (and donut) charts. If we pass shiftTextX, the background will also shift (because the library assigns a default value of shiftTextBackgroundX = shiftTextX). This can be overridden by manually passing shiftTextBackgroundX. Same applies to shiftTextBackgroundY

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- "shiftTextX not working to focused section of the Pie (and donut) charts" Thanks to YASH-TRONX for his PR #534
  2. Fixed the issue- line inside Bar (combined chart) getting cropped from right side in case of secondary See #532 This actually got fixed in the core library (version 0.0.16). Here I just had to use the latest version of gifted-charts-core

🎉 1.4.5

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop onScroll to Bar, Stacked Bar, Line and Area charts. It is a callback function that takes event as a parameter.
  2. Added the props paddingHorizontal and paddingVertical to Pie (and Donut) charts. This will be useful to accomodate "onBorder" labels. See #528

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed issue with barInnerComponent for Bar charts that don't have gradient. See #500 (comment)

🎉 1.4.4

✨ Features added-

Added the prop onPressOut to Bar and Stacked Bar charts. See #523

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed issue with noOfSectionsBelowXAxis not taking the value 0 for Line charts. See #526

🎉 1.4.3

✨ Features added-

  1. Added interpolation to Line charts. These props can be used to control interpolation- interpolateMissingValues, showDataPointsForMissingValues and onlyPositive. See Interpolation in Line chart docs
  2. Added BEFORE_DATA_POINT to EdgePosition enum for step charts, and renamed the AT_DATA_POINT EdgePosition to AFTER_DATA_POINT. The default EdgePosition is AFTER_DATA_POINT.

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- "topLabelComponent not visible for bar charts". See #519
  2. Fixed RTL issue in pagination. Thanks to Houssem-Eddine Kellou for his PR Abhinandan-Kushwaha/gifted-charts-core#3

🎉 1.4.2

✨ Features added-

Added the props focusBarOnPress and focusedBarConfig to Bar charts. Using these, we can focus or highlight a bar on press. See #512

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issues with stepValue, noOfSections and maxValue. See #511
  2. Fixed issue with pagination, (isCloseToStart not returning true) PR Abhinandan-Kushwaha/gifted-charts-core#2 by Houssem-Eddine Kellou

🔨 Refactor

Moved gifted-charts-core to dependency and put the 3rd party libraries into devDependency. PR #514 by Armon Raphiel

🎉 1.4.1

Exported ruleTypes which was missed in version 1.4.0

🎉 1.4.0 Mega Release ⭐️

📣 This release contains a huge refactor. 🔨 We have now moved most of the logic and maths (including utils, constatnts and types) to our newly launched library named gifted-charts-core

This helped in-

  1. Segragating UI and logic
  2. Modularity and code re-usability
  3. We are very soon going to launch a library for web named react-gifted-charts❤️ With this we will be able to render charts in react using exactly the same code we use in react-native-gifted-charts!

This huge refactor might have introduced some bugs. Please bear with us.🙏
To avoid this in future mega releases, I am going to add thorough tests in the next release.

We will soon release version 2.0 after adding all types and unit tests for each component!!

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for Pagination using the props onEndReached, onStartReached and endReachedOffset. Thanks to Houssem-Eddine Kellou who added this feature through his PR- #504. Pagination is now supported for Bar, Stack, Line and Area charts!

  2. Added the prop onLongPress to Bar and Stacked Bar charts. See #506

🎉 1.3.33

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop barInnerComponent to Bar and Stacked Bar charts. barInnerComponent can also be passed as a property inside the data items. See #500

  2. Added the prop pieInnerComponent to Pie and Donut charts. pieInnerComponent can also be passed as a property inside the data items. See #500

  3. Exported the following types from react-native-gifted-charts-

  • barDataItem
  • stackDataItem
  • BarChartPropsType
  • StackedBarChartPropsType
  • pieDataItem
  • PieChartPropsType
  • lineDataItem
  • bicolorLineDataItem
  • LineChartPropsType
  • LineChartBicolorPropsType
  • popnPyramidDataItem
  • PopulationPyramidPropsType

🔨 Refactor

  1. Moved types to '.\types.ts files for each type of chart and gave proper names to types.

🎉 1.3.32

🐛 Minor bug fixes with initialSpacing for Line inside Bar charts (combined Bar and Line charts).

🎉 1.3.31

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with onPress not working on elements just above the chart. See #497
    It was an issue with the of the chart overflowing and overlapping in case stepHeight was large.

  2. Fixed the issue- showStripOnFocus: height of strip becomes smaller when using overflowTop.

🎉 1.3.30

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with pointerEvent value: box-none in Pie charts. See #491 and #472
  2. Fixed issue with data3 and data4 in Line charts. See #490
  3. Fixed issue- strip not visible for Line and Area charts having pointerConfig with pointerLabelComponent.

🎉 1.3.29 Major release

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for Population Pyramid charts!! See Population Pyramid props
  2. Pointer labels will now be rendered on top of the rest of the chart content. Earlier, reference lines sometimes used to appear over the pointer lables, this has been fixed now.
  3. Added the prop referenceLinesOverChartContent for Bar charts.

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- LineChart having a single data item and using the prop adjustToWidth caused crashes. See #484
  2. Fixed issue with data point label getting cropperd. See #486
  3. Fixed the issue- Reference line overlapping the tooltip. See #476

🎉 1.3.28

🐛 Minor bug fixes with pointerEvents in Pie charts and yAxisExtraHeight with pointerLabelComponent in Bar and Line charts. See #472 and #467 (comment)

🎉 1.3.27

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for mix of positive + negative values in Stacked Bar charts. Thanks to Christoph who added this feature through his PR- #470
  2. Added the prop yAxisExtraHeight for extra length of Y axis at the top. Default value is 1/20th of the chart height.
  3. Added the prop inwardExtraLengthForFocused. This allows us to render donut charts whose focused section grows inwards. See #325

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Earlier, charts used to have an extra length of Y axis equal to sectionHeight/2 at the top. Due to this, charts' height used to change along with sectionHeight. Fixed this by making the default value of yAxisExtraHeight to a constant value which equals 1/20th of the chart height. See #467
  2. Fixed the issue with getPointerProps which threw a warning - Cannot update a component (xxx) while rendering a different component (yyy). See facebook/react#22633

🎉 1.3.26

🐛 Minor bug fixes with stripΒehindBars and initialPointerIndex for Bar charts. See #410 (comment) and #410 (comment)

🎉 1.3.25

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the property zIndex to referenceLine1Config, referenceLine2Config and referenceLine3Config. See #310

  2. Added stripBehindBars property to pointerConfig for Bar charts. See #410 (comment)

  3. Added the trimYAxisAtTop prop for Bar and Line charts. See #461

  4. showValuesAsTopLabel now shows the sum of stack item values at top of each stack. See #446

  5. Added the property resetPointerOnDataChange to pointerConfig for Line charts. The default value of resetPointerOnDataChange is true. See #456

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with overflowTop. See #453 (comment)

  2. Fixed issue with stackBorderRadius. See #354 (comment) and #354 (comment)

🎉 1.3.24

✨ Features added-

  1. Added pointerConfig support to Stacked Bar charts.

  2. Added barBorderWidth and barBorderColor to Bar charts.

  3. Added separate spacing for Line charts inside BarCharts. The line rendered in a Bar chart can have its own spacing value independent from the spacing of the bars. It can be set using the spacing property in the lineConfig object.

  4. Added these props to apply border radius to Stacked Bar charts-

  • stackBorderRadius
  • stackBorderTopLeftRadius
  • stackBorderTopRightRadius
  • stackBorderBottomLeftRadius
  • stackBorderBottomRightRadius

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue - initial pointer appearing at top for the second data line. See #453

🔨 Refactor

Merged ThreeDBar and AnimatedBar codes to make a single file named AnimatedThreeDBar

🎉 1.3.23

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the props- showValuesAsTopLabel, topLabelContainerStyle and topLabelTextStyle to Bar charts. See #99 (comment)

  2. Added the prop highlightedRange to render the parts of lines lying in a given data range with a different style (color, thickness,type). See

type HighlightedRange = {
  from: number;
  to: number;
  color?: string | ColorValue;
  thickness?: number;
  strokeDashArray?: Array<number>;
  1. Added the property pointerEvents to the pointerConfig object. If you have a Pressable / Touchable item in your pointerLabelComponent, then you should set pointerEvents to 'auto' inside the pointerConfig object. See #447

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue - Unwanted Spacing below the charts.See #448

Versions 1.3.20 and 1.3.21 and 1.3.22 were mistakes and reverts...

🎉 1.3.19

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for dynamic number of lines with the help of the dataSet prop. We can now pass an array of data instead of using data, data2, data3 etc.
  2. Added property formatYLabel to the secondaryYAxis, so we can now format the labels of the secondary Y-Axis using formatYLabel. See #442

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with Pie charts having all zero values. See #443

🎉 1.3.18

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for line segments in Line and Area charts. See #432 (comment)
  2. Added support for 2 line charts inside Bar chart using the lineData2 and lineConfig2 props. See #440

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with step chart edge position. Added a prop named edgePosition. See #438

🎉 1.3.17

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for Step charts. To render a step chart, just pass the prop stepChart to the <LineChart> component.
    See #438

  2. Added the properties- initialPointerIndex, initialPointerAppearDelay, and persistPointer to the pointerConfig object. See #427

  3. Added support for customizing individual / specific rules in charts using the prop rulesConfigArray. See #432 (comment)

  4. Added 2 new props- xAxisLabelsHeight and xAxisLabelsVerticalShift. Here's a brief description of the use case of these props-

The height of X axis labels container is computed automatically. Sometimes you may need to explicitly provide the height of X-axis labels container. An example case is when the font size of label texts is large. Use the `xAxisLabelsHeight`` prop if the labels appear cropped from bottom.

Note- Using the xAxisLabelsHeight prop may shift the X axis labels up or down, making the label text overlap with the chart content. In such a case you can use the `xAxisLabelsVerticalShift`` prop to adjust the vertical position of X axis labels.

See #433

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue- Pie charts get distorted when one value is non-zero and rest values are zero. See #436

  2. Fixed issue with programmatically changing focus does in Pie and Donut charts. See #428

🎉 1.3.16

🐛 A minor bug fix. See #422 (comment)

🎉 1.3.15

🐛 A minor bug fix. See #424

🎉 1.3.14

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for Multicolor Line charts. See #251
    These props will help to render multicolor line-
lineGradient?: boolean;
lineGradientComponent?: () => any;
lineGradientId?: string;
lineGradientDirection?: string;
lineGradientStartColor?: string;
lineGradientEndColor?: string;


  1. Added support for custom gradient in area charts using the props areaGradientComponent and areaGradientId

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue- pointerConfig on Bar chart was jaggy

🎉 1.3.13

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the formatYLabel prop. The user can now pass a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it. The modified label returned by the callback function will be finally rendered along the Y-axis. See #22

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue where tooltip was not rendered in Bar charts that use showLine prop. Also, bars were not clickable with showLine and lineBehindBars={false}. See #411

🎉 1.3.12

✨ Features added-

  1. Added pointerConfig behaviour to Bar charts. See #410

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with pointerConfig. See #177
  2. Added types to util functions. See #379

🎉 1.3.11

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed some typescript issues. See #269 (comment)
  2. Fixed issue with the 4th curve of curved area charts. See #402
  3. Fixed #406

🎉 1.3.10

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed issue where a zero value was omitted in Pie chart. See #401

🎉 1.3.9

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. focusedDataPointLabelComponent now appears above other UI elements, as it is now given a zIndex of 1000. See #396
  2. Fixed issue with the position of verticalLines when hideYAxisText is set to true.

🔨 Refactor

  1. replaced JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) with custom deepClone method (added in utils). It fixed this issue- #397

🎉 1.3.8

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the property named isSecondary in the lineConfig object see #392
  2. Replaced the prop verticalLinesType with verticalLinesStrokeDashArray

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed issue with secondary Y axis position (it was shifting towards right earlier)

🎉 1.3.7

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop scrollEventThrottle (only for iOS) see - default value is 0
  2. exposed secondaryDataItem in pointerLabelComponent see #388

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed issue with adjustToWidth (Now if you pass the adjustToWidth prop, your chart will take the screen width automatically)

🎉 1.3.6

✨ Features added-

  1. secondary Y axis for charts with negative values
  2. Line chart inside stacked bar chart

🔨 Refactor

minValue is now renamed to mostNegativeValue to avoid confusion

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue with roundToDigits for Y axis labels. Now we add trailing 0s after decimal point if needed. So if the Y axis label is 1.5 and we have roundToDigits={2}, then the label rendered will be 1.50
  2. Fixed Y axis label issue which displayed NaN as a label when we used yAxisOffset and yAxisLabelTexts props together.

🎉 1.3.5

🐛 Minor bug fixes

🎉 1.3.4 Major release

✨ Features added-

1. Y axis on both sides

Added the secondaryYAxis prop to render a secondary Y axis on the right side of the chart. Earliear we were able to render the Y axis either on the left or on the right side, not both.

2. secondaryData and secondaryLineConfig (in Line and Area charts)

In addition to data2, data3, etc, now we have the secondaryData prop. This is done to reference the second line to the secondary Y axis.

3. scrollRef

In Bar, Line and Area charts, we can access the ScrollView using the scrollRef prop. You just need to create a ref using React.useRef() and pass it into the scrollRef prop. The most common use of scrollRef is to scroll to a given position, and to fire the scroll on an event like a button press.

4. scrollToIndex

In Bar, Line and Area charts, we can scroll to any given index using the scrollToIndex prop.

5. RTL horizontal charts

To render a horizontal Bar chart from right to left, pass the rtl prop along with the horizontal prop.

6. curveType and curvature

Now, we support 2 types of curves-

  1. Cubic bezier curve
  2. Quadratic bezier curve

The default curveType is cubiz bezier curve. To change it to quadratic, pass the prop curveType={CurveType.QUADRATIC}

curvature takes a value between 0 and 1. The default curvature value is 0.2
curvature works only for cubic bezier curves. When curvature value is 0, the curve becomes straight line.

7. showValuesAsDataPointsText

In Line and area charts, we can pass the showValuesAsDataPointsText prop to display the value of the data points.

8. Animation in stacked Bar chart

The isAnimated prop is now supported in stacked bar charts.

9. endSpacing

Similar to the initialSpacing we now have a prop named endSpacing as well.

10. overflowBottom

Similar to the overflowTop we now have a prop named overflowBottom as well, but it makes sense only for line and area charts. It gives extra space at the bottom of the chart to make room for dataPoints or dataPointText.

🐛 Fixes

1. Support for expo ❤️

The library used to break when used in an expo project. This was perhaps due to version conflicts in react-native-svg. We have now moved both react-native-svg and react-native-linear-gradient to peer dependencies. This should hopefully fix the issues with expo.

2. Fixed the issue with pointerConfig being jaggy on Android

autoAdjustPointerLabelPosition is now false by default. This should make the Area and Line charts with pointerConfig smooth on Android.