This repository is for a Helthcare themed project built for GeeksforGeeks Solving for India-Hackathon Series
This webapp is deployed(hosted) on Google Cloud Platform using AMD's N2D Instance( AMD Epyc CPU) and Google Cloud platform's Compute Engine service. Web App link :
Demo Video link :
Steps to run the webApp:
- install python(pip install python3)
- install django(pip install django)
- install pillow(pip install pillow)
- install six(pip install six)
- navigate to the folder where file is present
- Then type in terminal: python runserver This will open the development server in localhost:8000 enter this in url and then you have the access to the webApp
In this project, we are solving the issue of waiting in long queues for the doctor’s appointments.So basically our project will help the user to book an appointment with a doctor with sitting at their home only, point to be noted that we will consider all the formalities for booking an appointment done before meeting the doctor(within the home only), from booking the slot to filling the form.we also provide a customized profile for the patient,and also give notification of medicine on time.
**Project title:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Problem statement------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As we all once went for an appointment to the doctor , traditionally what is the process , First we have to go to hospital or the clinic of the doctor fill our details and the we were allowed to meet the doctor , But with the surge of Covid-19 this not seems a safe because the risk of infection will be always there , and if the risk of infection is not there sometimes the hospital or the doctor’s clinic is so far that will take a lot of our time , and the bad is sometimes we can’t able to get the appointment the same day , resulting in the huge loss of time.
So we have come up with a website for booking an appointment of the doctor with the comfort of your home , no need to keep yourself in risk or travel far distances, just pick up your devices and book the appointment in minutes . There’s no need to fill any form after reaching the hospital or doctor’s clinic , you don’t have to do any formalities after reaching the hospital or clinic just meet the doctor once you reached the hospital or clinic.
Planning : The first few days were of finding the idea , then we decided how should be the work flow of the website and UX , UI , Backend etc.
Tech Stack : We used Visual Studio as an IDE for Coding Languages Used – HTML , CSS , Java Script Backend : Django , Python Database : SQlite
Team Collaboration : Backend – Abhisekh and Anish Frontend: Amitesh and Satya
Result : We get the desired result as the new user or patient are able to book an appointment and all the elements are working good .
Future Work : We are forward looking to work more on the email functionality,profile section for ex:- Documents uploading section , Medication tracking etc.
and also build a health assistant section which monitors your health and also integrate an e-commerce website for the purchasing of medicines as this will ensure the whole healthcare experience digital.