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Diploma Thesis


Complete thesis document: Diploma Theis

Phase-wise documents:

App is deployed at: DryBeanClassifer. Check it out !

  • The app is deployed on
  • For making predictions using the Vanilla_Net, the tensorflow model is served at heroku container services using tensorflow serving.
  • The app makes calls to the served model to get predictions.

App UI

Single prediction

Batch prediciton

What is the problem about?

Dry bean is the most popular pulse produced in the world. The main problem dry bean producers and marketers face is in ascertaining good seed quality. Lower quality of seeds leads to lower quality of produce. Seed quality is the key to bean cultivation in terms of yield and disease. Manual classification and sorting of bean seeds is a difficult process. Our objective is to use Machine learning techniques to do the automatic classification of seeds.

Why is this problem important to solve?

Ascertaining seed quality is important for producers and marketers. Doing this manually would require a lot of effort and is a difficult process. This is why we try to use machine learning techniques to do the automatic classification of seeds.

Business/Real-World impact of solving this problem?

  • Saves hours of manual sorting and classification of seeds.
  • We can do it in real-time.

Table of Contents:

View the noteboks phase-wise following the links:


Basic Modelling

  • The best model we have is a Tuned - Light Gradient Boosting Classifer without any preprocessing on the data. It has an accuracy of 93 % and a F1-score of 0.929
  • The best parameters are found with RandomizedSearchCV:
      'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
      'class_weight': None,
      'colsample_bytree': 1.0,
      'importance_type': 'split',
      'learning_rate': 0.05,
      'max_depth': -1,
      'min_child_samples': 31,
      'min_child_weight': 0.001,
      'min_split_gain': 0.2,
      'n_estimators': 200,
      'n_jobs': -1,
      'num_leaves': 90,
      'objective': None,
      'random_state': 8144,
      'reg_alpha': 0.7,
      'reg_lambda': 0.4,
      'silent': 'warn',
      'subsample': 1.0,
      'subsample_for_bin': 200000,
      'subsample_freq': 0,
      'feature_fraction': 0.4,
      'bagging_freq': 0,
      'bagging_fraction': 1.0

Confusion Matrix for Tuned-LightGBM:

Advanced Modelling

  • I used a 2 layer NN with relu activation.

    • The first hidden layer has 512 nodes
    • The second one has 256 nodes
    • Both the layers use relu activation
    • Optimizer: Adam with a lr=3e-4
    • loss: SparseCategoricalCrossEntropy(logits=True)
    • Epochs: 20
  • Without resampling: accuracy -> 93.09%, f1-score -> 0.9304

With resampling (Oversampling with SMOTE) We even beat the best accuracy and f1-score in the paper with an accuracy of 93.39% & f1-score of 0.9340

Confusion Matrix for Vanilla-Net

Using the the served model locally

Serving the tensorflow model

You can directly serve the model and make api calls to get the predictions. Pre-requisite is just have docker installed

  • Build the container docker build -t app .

  • Run the container: docker run -p 8501:8501 -e PORT=8501 app

Making predictions

  • First, serve the model using the above instructions

  • Next, in another terminal first install the requirements using: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • The model is being served at http://localhost:8501/saved_model. To make predictions all you have to do is make calls to the endpoint: http://localhost:8501/saved_model:predict. A basic example of it is the test_files/

  • you can just run it: cd test_files && python or use it as a template for your own application.

Using the app locally

  • Install all the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Now, just do: streamlit run and voila it's up on local host!
