This repository is a part of AzPlace, which consists of three different parts. This repository contains the Spring REST-Service.
To use AzPlace you also need these services:
Before running this service you need the following other services:
- Redis-Server
- MariaDB-/MySQL-Server
- Elasticsearch Instance
Board }o..|| ColorPalette : needs
UserCooldown }o..|| Board : on
User ||..o{ UserCooldown : has
User ||..o{ UserBan : has
PixelOwner }o..|| Board : on
PixelOwner }o..|| User : is
User->>+REST: Request login (/auth/login)
REST->>-User: Redirect to CAS
User->>+CAS: Login
CAS->>-User: Redirect to REST
User->>+REST: Request verification
REST->>+CAS: Validate Ticket
CAS->>-REST: Respond User Data
REST->>-User: Redirect to Frontend