- This program is not affiliated with Superbiz, it is created by a user of the service (Adaks#0001)
- By running the program, you agree for all of the ads to be uploaded
- Please install this version of python (3.10) to ensure everything works as smoothly as possible, if you have any other versions of python - remove them
- During installation, make sure to check "Add to PATH' - otherwise you will not be able to install required modules
- https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3100/
- Click here to download the program
- Extract the ZIP, otherwise it will not function
- Ensure you have Python version 3.10.0
- Open up requirements.bat, to install all python modules:
If you receive an error like/or bat file automatically closed instantly:
'pip' is not recognised as an interal or external command
- This means during python installation, you didn't check the 'Add to PATH' box, you must re-install python with this checkbox ticked!
- Open up Setup.ini, paste in roblox cookie (full contents of it, and do not put it in speech marks)
- If your unaware how to retrieve your roblox cookie, please download this chrome extension
- Then, go to the roblox page, click on the extension, go to .ROBLOSECURITY, and copy all contents inside it (3)
- Next, you will need to enter your superbiz email and password that you used to login into the site, this will be used to submit the ads
- You're now ready to open up Superbiz Uploader.py
- You will be welcomed into the program (with the name you used for superbiz account settings)
- You may have to wait a couple seconds for your games to load
- You will will be prompted to enter which game you would like to choose
- The program will show you the game's ad revenue for current and previous month
- Then, the program will begin uploading if your roblox cookie was correct