VCF comparison script:
- Simultaneously reads and compares two vcf files from the same sample
- Required packages:
- PyVCF (pip install PyVCF)
- numpy (pip install numpy)
- Input: two vcf files to be compared (should work for zipped and unzipped)
- If the sample name is different than the vcf sample name, provide it as a third argument.
- Returns:
- List of vcf entries that have different DP values
- Summary of how many records in the vcf have different DP values and different records all together.
- Histogram of DP difference variance
- List of different vcf records (record = [CHROM,POS,REF,ALT])
- Runtime: can take up to 5 hours for genome vcfs depending on the size of the vcf.
- If so the vcfs can be split by chromosome
$ python original_vcf.gz > output_filename.txt
The tool gets the sample name from the filename, it has to be the same sample name as it is in the vcf, if it isn't, provide a sample name as a third argument.
$ python original_vcf.gz NA12878 > output_filename.txt
- Index your vcf files using tabix ()
$ tabix -p vcf your_vcf_file.vcf.gz
- Create a file listing all chromosomes set it as a bash variable.
$ chromosomes=/path/to/file/chromosomes.txt
- Split the vcfs by chromosome
$ for chrom in $(cat $chromosomes); do echo ${chrom} splitting; tabix -h NA12878.truth.g.vcf.gz ${chrom} >${chrom}.g.vcf; done
- Optional : recompress
$ gzip *.vcf
- Run script on individual components
$ for chrom in $(cat $chromosomes); do echo $chrom running; python ${path}/bin/ NA12878.truth.${chrom}.g.vcf.gz${chrom}.g.vcf.gz > NA12878.${chrom}.comparison.txt ; done