This codebase consist of the following functionalities
Listening to the Ethereum test or mainnet blockchain transfer event logs. The logs should be are into a unified format and persisted to a local database.
dashboard rest API that returns a list of JSON objects having the following fields
- sender address
- receiver address
- smart-contract address
- balance of sender
- balance of receiver
- amount of token sent
Solidity version To setup this project kindly downgrade your solidity compiler version by
brew uninstall solidity
pip3 install solc-select
solc-select install 0.4.24
solc-select use 0.4.24
Generate contract abi
solc --abi erc1155.sol | awk '/JSON ABI/{x=1;next}x' > erc1155.abi
abigen --abi=erc1155.abi --pkg=token --out=erc1155.go
Setup mongodb using the compose file in this repo
docker-compose up
Url of the Mongo Instance is
Run the application
go run cmd/main.go
Pending Features
- Rate limit and throtlling
- unit test of core logic
- ci pipelines config files