Team Members:
Aditi Patil
Bhumica Gangurde
An 'Outfit Inspiration' feature for Myntra, enabling users to create, categorize, and share outfit collections. It includes community engagement tools like favorites, following, and shopping links, supported by a rewarding system of coins and badges.
Frontend Tech Stacks
- React Native: Core framework for building cross-platform mobile apps
- React Navigation: Navigation library for managing screen transitions
- AsyncStorage: For local storage management
- React Hooks: For state and effect management
- StyleSheet: For styling components
Backend Tech Stacks
- Node.js: Server-side runtime environment
- Express.js: Web framework for building RESTful APIs
- Mongoose: ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for data storage
- JWT: For user authentication and authorization
npm install //in root directory
cd api
npm install
- Install necessary dependencies
- Change the IP Address to your system's IP Address
npm start //in root directory
cd api
npm start