enable Vulkan support and optimize performance tuning.
Recommendation to combine with "DebugSurfaceFlinger" for better experience : https://github.com/Adivennataly/DebugSurfaceFlinger
This is just a configuration file that must be changed and replaced manually in the directory :
first, you must change the values in the file :
{ "configs": [ { "hardwareModel": "Your Device Model"
"Your Device Model" must match the model of the device you are using.
for example :
{ "configs": [ { "hardwareModel": "Xiaomi 21061119AG"
If you want to disable it, just delete the file or replace it with a backup of the default file.
Next step: Download the script and use terminal (ADB/LADB/Termux) to run the script (no root access required) :
sh /storage/emulated/0/Download/genshin.sh
just adjust it to which directory is used when saving genshin.sh
If you want to disable it, just run the script genshun.sh
- Xiaomi Redmi 10 (selene) - MIUI 13 Android 12
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 (ginkgo) - MIUI 12.5 Android 11