Hello, I’m Adrian Samoticha.
I mostly work with the Flutter framework and do embedded development for micro-controllers, such as the ESP8266 and the ESP32-C3. I am a maintainer of some popular Flutter-related projects, including flutter_acrylic, macos_window_utils, num_remap, appkit_ui_element_colors, and macos_ui.
My main contribution to the Flutter ecosystem is the macos_window_utils package, which is now part of the macosui organization. macos_window_utils is a package that enables the user to configure the window of a Flutter application. Its most prominent feature is its ability to make use of macOS’ window transparency and wallpaper tinting effects, as can be seen in the following image:
The macos_window_utils package plays a key role in the flutter_acrylic and macos_ui packages.