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Releases: Adriwin06/Ultimate-CommonUI-Menu-System


23 Oct 19:16
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This is the first version that I would consider "production ready."
This is likely the last release before needing to use C++ for tasks like detecting if the user's GPU supports Ray Tracing, as this isn't exposed in Blueprint. Oh, and there's DLSS Ray Reconstruction now if you're interested. ;)

By default, it launches with DirectX12_SM6, but you can also launch it with DirectX12_SM5, Vulkan_SM6, Vulkan_SM5, or DirectX11_SM5. Keep in mind that almost everything is broken in SM5, but I’ve enabled it in case you need to try it anyway. Vulkan still lacks full support for Lumen HWRT in version Unreal Engine 5.4, but in 5.5, it will be on par with DirectX12.

PS: A new and improved CitySample implementation is available here:


23 Jun 16:33
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Here is the packaged version of the project as of June 23, 2024, if you want to try it out without having to launch Unreal Engine. There is a packaged version of each active branch.

I made two different implementations of this system in the CitySample. One uses an old version and run on 5.3 but adds superheroes flight. The other one is new, uses the latest version of this system, and runs on 5.4; but is just the default CitySample gameplay. Here is the link to the folder containing both, which I will keep updated:


18 May 13:20
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Here is the packaged version of the project as of May 18, 2024 if you want to try it out without having to launch Unreal Engine.

In the last Release, I implemented it on the City Sample to show what this system is capable of; but this is still in development, because I plan on adding more gameplay features, and enhance the UI. Here is a link again:


04 May 12:55
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Here is the packaged version of the project as of May the 4th 2024 if you want to try it out without having to launch Unreal Engine.
Thanks for your interest toward this project, and May the 4th be with you ;)

10.05.2024 edit: I implemented it on the City Sample to show what this system is capable of; but this is still in development, because I plan on adding more gameplay features, and enhance the UI. Here is a link:


22 Apr 20:59
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Here is the packaged version of the project as of April 22, 2024 if you want to try it out without having to launch Unreal Engine.
There are really a lot of new features since the latest release, and you can find the details by reading the commits I made since then.


06 Apr 16:52
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Here is the packaged version of the project as of April 6, 2024 if you want to try it out without having to launch Unreal Engine.