Affairs & order is a nation simulation game, where you can make your own nation, build a military and industry, and declare war.
- Install Git and add Git to PATH.
- Type
git clone
in the folder you want the repo to be cloned in.
- Install Python (Preferrably 3.8)
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
, this will install all the modules needed for this repo. - Type
flask run
in this repo's folder on your own PC. - Navigate to
or the url flask gave you in your browser. The website should run
- Get the
installer from here:
. Download version 10.14 - Run the installer, remember your set settings.
- Set them in the .env file (if you haven't already rename .env.example to .env)
- Run the
file in AnO/affo to create your database instance.
- Follow this guide to setup Postgres
- Set Postgres variables in the .env file (if you haven't already rename .env.example to .env)
- Run the
file in AnO/affo to create your database instance.
- Install rabbitmq by typing
pacman -S rabbitmq
- Follow this guide: and name your username, password and vhost
- Run rabbitmq by typing:
sudo rabbitmq-server
- Follow this guide to install RabbitMQ: and name your username, password and vhost
- Stop the rabbitmqctl service for naming usernames, vhosts, etc by typing:
sudo rabbitmqctl stop
- Run the RabbitMQ broker by typing:
sudo rabbitmq-server
- Navigate into the
folder. - Run the beat pool by running:
celery -A app.celery beat --loglevel=INFO
in the terminal. - Run 1 worker by running:
celery -A app.celery worker --loglevel=INFO
in another terminal window. - For
to work, RabbitMQ must be running.